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There were times that I had a cringed thought that I would be the second best at the place of working since I began my career straight away in the manufacturing & exporting sector. After a few years of struggles and conflicts I was able to convince myself, “No, you have enough guts to be the best”. My adventurous desire for experiments helped me a lot to find a new beginning with the most suitable market to step into back then when we started the mother company, Green Space International Pvt Ltd. As we had enough resources locally and no competitors at the initial stage to penetrate the exotic pet supplies market, the journey was relatively smooth and let me initiate the new business concept which is aligned with the sustainable development growth strategies that I wished for. From that point onwards the growth of the organization started to bloom rapidly and we were able to satisfy the customers beyond their expectations guaranteeing trust in our services. Continuing the development of the new philosophy of the business, more projects were started with a belief that biofriendly innovation would sustain the growth of the community and also the stakeholders of us and which is also my foremost intention. We assure your involvement with Green Space Holdings will mutually benefit in every corporate aspect without limitation.
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