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Vision To supply the best live aquatic products on the globe to customers while ensuring the sustainability of aquatic resources and improving the livelihood and lifestyle of stakeholders.

Sea Shell's Listings


  • Muthugala June 16, 2023

    Excellent and talented staff.. well cleaned environment and trustworthy. Thank you Mr. Nuwan

  • Dilum June 16, 2023

    It’s really impressive place for the ornamental fishing industry.
    High quality customer caring and standard service.

  • Dilum June 16, 2023

    It’s really impressive place for the ornamental fishing industry.
    High quality customer carding and standard service.

  • LAHIRU June 16, 2023

    We had such a lovely time that we ended up going twice on our 10 day stay. We absolutely loved it. There was so much to see.
    The staff were so nice and friendly.
    Loads of information to see.
    The ray was the highlight so beautiful and huge.
    We had a 2 year old 10 year old and 2 older teens with us and they all loved it.
    An absolute must if your in the area.

  • LAHIRU June 16, 2023

    The best

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