1 | 1057 | Techno Concrete Works | | techno_concrete@yahoo.com | |
2 | 1064 | Shakthi Contractors | | shakthicontractors1@gmail.com | |
3 | 1079 | Dias & Dias | +94 11 2930402, | | |
4 | 1092 | Zenith Engineering | | sales@zenitheng.net | http://zenitheng.net/ |
5 | 1106 | Saram Industries | | saramecom@gmail.com | |
6 | 1124 | New Ranjith Industries | | newranjithindustries@gmail.com | https://new-ranjith-industries-cement-block-machine.business.site/ |
7 | 1134 | Senpathi Concrete (PVT) Ltd | | chathurika.naduni26@gmail.com | www.senpathi.lk |
8 | 1141 | Manampitiya Concrete Products | | | |
9 | 1142 | New Machine Tech | | | |
10 | 2399 | Graphics.lk | 07111888844 | hello@graphics.lk | www.graphics.lk |
11 | 2760 | Royal Paints Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | | info@royalpaintslanka.com | https://www.royalpaintslanka.com/ |
12 | 2789 | Ferrotech Engineering | | ferro_tech@yahoo.com | |
13 | 2799 | Department of Textile Industries | +94 372 220 678 | textiledepartment@gmail.com | textiledept.gov.lk |
14 | 2815 | Tudawe Engineering Services (Pvt.) Ltd. | 0112 368 494 | tesinfo@tudawe.com | https://www.tudawe.com/ |
15 | 2829 | Diamond Engineering (Pvt) Ltd | +(94) 77 979 0152 | support@diamondengineers.lk | https://www.diamondengineers.lk/ |
16 | 2994 | Timbercare | +94 11 2823127 | tmbrcare@sltnet.lk | |
17 | 3252 | Cybranix Technologies | +94776571667 | admin@cybranix.com | www.cybranix.com |
18 | 3312 | Smart Trading Asia (Pvt) Ltd | +94 11 4 324 280 | marketing@smarttradingasia.com | www.smarttradingasia.com |
19 | 3431 | Prisma Colour Lanka Pvt Ltd | 0766000756 | colour@sltnet.lk | |
20 | 3435 | Rex Industries (Pvt) Ltd | 0773406226 | sahan@rexgroup.lk | www.rexgroup.lk |
21 | 3537 | Expoteas Ceylon Pvt Ltd | +94742588662 | rishi@expoteas.com | https://expoteas.com/ |
22 | 3704 | ZENITH PLANTATION ENGINEERING (PVT)LTD | +94772926946 | zenitheng3@gmail.com | |
23 | 3781 | Surtex Industries Pvt Ltd | 0112859102 | sales@surtexindustries.com | www.surtexindustries.com |
24 | 4003 | WITTACHI | | | |
25 | 4121 | A.W.J. Engineering | | | |
26 | 4951 | Lomat Casting (Pvt) Limited | +94 11 2487 478 | lomatcasting@sltnet.lk | https://lomatcasting.lk |
27 | 5127 | BME Works (Pvt) Ltd | +94 77 5171422 | info@bmework.com | https://www.bmework.com/ |
28 | 5132 | Anuradha Cermics PVT Ltd | 011 2708489 | Info@anuradhaceramics.com | http://www.anuradhaceramics.com/ |
29 | 5141 | Ran Lanka Industries | +94 33 2288928 | ranpathirana@yahoo.com | https://www.ranlankamachine.com/ |
30 | 5146 | Samson Reclaim Rubbers Ltd | +94 (0)91 3094465-6 | dsireclaim@dsireclaim.com | www.dsireclaim.com |
31 | 5171 | Mobiz International (Pvt) Ltd. | +94773852227 | info@joomlasrilanka.com | https://www.joomlasrilanka.com |
32 | 5279 | Viyana Creation | 0714166664 | viyanacreation6@gmail.com | |
33 | 5398 | Foodi Feel (Pvt) Limited | +94776651447 | foodifeel@gmail.com | |
34 | 5540 | Pepe Ceylon Pvt Ltd | +94768478476 | pepeceylon@gmail.com | https://www.pepeceylon.com/ |
35 | 5581 | Techno Naturals Company | 0772868887 | suresh6126@gmail.com | www.technonaturals.lk |
36 | 5586 | Techno Manufacturing Company | 0772868887 | suresh6126@gmail.com | www.technonaturals.lk |
37 | 5834 | Myco Farm Private Limited | +94768859567 | info@ceylonmushroom.com | www.ceylonmushroom.com |
38 | 5843 | Orian Terra Lak Steel (pvt) Ltd | 0662056779 | orianlak@gmail.com | |
39 | 5921 | Admireplus | 0718620360 | thusharajw@gmail.com | |
40 | 5961 | Sea Shell Lanka | +94703975985 | seashelllanka.sales@gmail.com | http://seashelllanka.lk |
41 | 6021 | MICRO ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL (PVT) LTD. | 0112385112 | info@micro.lk | www.micro.lk | divolca.lk |
42 | 6293 | Rasnsara Holdings (Pvt) Ltd | 0778333386 | ransaraholdings@gmail.com | |
43 | 6337 | Green Space International Pvt Ltd | +94772240432 | info@greenspace.lk | www.greenspace.lk |
44 | 6570 | SOLAR IMPULSE (PVT) LTD | +94706130230 | info@solar-impulse.lk | https://slyg.global/ |
45 | 6686 | CDS Traders | 0776530443 | | |
46 | 6737 | Suravi Holdings (Pvt) Ltd | 0716823921 | asela@suravi.lk | www.suraviholdings.com |
47 | 6740 | Jayamini Products | +94766868904 | ireshmalinda102@gmail.com | |
48 | 6798 | Spice Ceylan Ventures (Private) Limited | +94722949499 | info@spiceceylan.com | https://spiceceylan.com |
49 | 6887 | G&TT Product | 94769131619 | nalinpushpa450@gmail.com | |
50 | 6985 | Green Space Lanka Pvt Ltd | +94772240432 | info@greenspace.lk | www.greenspace.lk |
51 | 7021 | Shashikala Products | 0704309055 | shshikalaproducts@gmail.com | |
52 | 7112 | Arogya Herbal Total Skin Paste | 0777781210 | info@arogyaherbal.lk | www.arogyaherbal.lk |
53 | 7987 | Rovenka Holdings | +94779893088 | info@rovenka.com | www.rovenka.com |
54 | 7998 | Kandy Fresh | +94766214113 | kandyfreshpro@gmail.com | |
55 | 11076 | RQ Fashion | 0778677785 | realqualitysc@gmail.com | |
56 | 11082 | Orzone Mineral Water Exports Pvt Ltd | 94777482400 | | www.orzonewater.com |
57 | 11086 | Peterson Projects & Solutions | 0773781229 | | |
58 | 11088 | Kelun Lifesciences Pvt.Ltd | 0812400042 | | |
59 | 11094 | Digiscan Secure Print Solutions (pvt) LTD | 01143308731 | | |
60 | 11096 | Adams Tyre Industries (Pvt) Ltd | 0094353124400 | | |
61 | 11100 | melwire rolling pvt ltd | 0778178080 | | |
62 | 11102 | Kiyota Coffee Company (Pvt) Ltd | 0662050928 | | |
63 | 11104 | Dockyard General Engineering Services Pvt ltd (DGES ) | 0766708648 | | |
64 | 11106 | Freelan Enterprises(pvt)Ltd | 0772314205 | | https://www.freelansrilanka.com/ |
65 | 11111 | Harithaweli - Ceedecs lanka holdings (pvt) ltd | 0710500800 | info@harithaweli.lk | www.harithaweli.lk |
66 | 11113 | Tilma Lanka Pvt Ltd | 0770705705 | | |
67 | 11115 | Canelro Colour Coatings (Pvt) Ltd | 0767040198 | | |
68 | 11878 | Maya Grinding Mill | 0718124517 | | |
69 | 12068 | INCEPT HOLDINGS (PVT) LTD | 0777273215 | info@iholdings.lk | www.iholdings.lk |
70 | 12584 | Jupiter packing suppliers | 0777715233 | jupiterpacking7@gmail.com | jupiter packing,horana |
71 | 13252 | VEERA Concepts (Pvt) Ltd | 0715744824 | info@veeraconcepts.xyz | https://www.veeraconcepts.xyz/ |
72 | 13682 | Golden Aroma Products | 0777175053 | Goldenaroma01@gmail.com | Thegoldenaroma.com |
73 | 13763 | Som Energy Systems | 6352010650 | seosomenergysystems@gmail.com | http://www.somenergysystems.com |
74 | 13794 | FINAP Worldwide | +94764773317 | headofsales@fintechasiapacific.com | https://finapworldwide.com |
75 | 13801 | Finagle Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | +94 (0) 11 223 6976 | admin@finagle.lk | https://www.finagle.lk/ |
76 | 13805 | PEARL MERMAID PVT LTD | 0761294642 | rashmifernando88@gmail.com | |
77 | 14016 | Compresstech Resources Inc. | | | |
78 | 14407 | Haany Fashion | 077 706 5845 | haanyapperals@gmail.com | |
79 | 14417 | i&i Gem Showroom and jewellery | +94777675927 | mcmgem@icloud.com | |
80 | 14659 | Legendary Textiles Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | 0704730900 | Sajeewachandrasiri@gmail.com | |
81 | 14666 | Meta tech | 0767726161 | janaipriyai67@gmail.com | |
82 | 14950 | Serendib Granite | 0716637218 | serendibgranite@gmail.com | |
83 | 15145 | Elson (Private) Limited | +94767056720 | info@elcoir.com | www.elcoir.com |
84 | 15394 | Mighty Rubber Tech | 0763302238 | mightyrubber@gmail.com | |
85 | 15400 | Carrierbid Communications | | Sales@CarrierBid.com | https://www.carrierbid.com/ |
86 | 15404 | Continental Insurance Lanka Limited | +94 11 2 800 200 | info@cilanka.com | www.cilanka.com |
87 | 15409 | Antyra Solutions | 077 718 3746 | sales@antyrasolutions.com f | https://www.antyrasolutions.com/ |
88 | 15521 | Eranga Enterprises | +94769959988 | eranerangaoilmill@hotmail.comgadc | dankouwacoco.com |
89 | 15579 | The Ceylon Spice Hub (Pvt) Ltd | +94714426575 | info@ceylonspicehub.lk | https://www.ceylonspicehub.lk |
90 | 15705 | DT Enterprises | 0771077814 | dtgarments1@gmail.com | |
91 | 15735 | Relan Oil Mills | +94742723464 | Relanproducts@gmail.com | |
92 | 15745 | Dilani Kaludodol | 0775577812 | dilanikaludodol199@gmail.com | www.dilanikaludodol.com |
93 | 15755 | WTK Cocopeat Lanka (PVT) Ltd | 0718273859 | wtkfibermill@gmail.com | www.wtkcocopeat.com |
94 | 15765 | Induwara Coconut Oil Mill | 0714915795 | puresampath@gmail.com | |
95 | 15773 | Bees Bakers (PVT) Ltd | 0775620573 | beesbiteproducts@gmail.com | |
96 | 15790 | Southern Ceramic | 0713361782/0713687888 | shanukanarathota@gmail.com | |
97 | 15795 | SK Bag( PVT)LTD | 0776877287 | kumariyapa478@gmail.com | |
98 | 15808 | Hambantota Ruhunu Bakers Private Limited | 0718686996 | ruhunubakers1@gmail.com | |
99 | 15851 | Negma Ayurvedic Industries | 0713388555 | negamayurvedhaindustries@gmail.com | |
100 | 15859 | Krishan Brass Industry | 0764024244 | shyamalpradeep6@gmail.com | |
101 | 15952 | HKS Product | 0775142617 | shyamalpradeep6@gmail.com | |
102 | 15962 | Helthy Foods Lanka Export(PVT)LTE | +94 252 054 877, +94 718 109 532 | sales@ceylonhealthyfoods.com | https://ceylonhealthyfoods.com/contact/ |
103 | 15969 | Kingrich Foods Products | 0715550255 | kingrichfoodsproducts@gmail.com | |
104 | 15976 | Dinuli Coconut Products | 0777787779 | anishanthimunasinghe@gmail.com | |
105 | 16121 | Helani Products (PVT) Ltd | 0774757141 | gaminiamarasinghe9090@gmail.com | |
106 | 16158 | Magampura Handicraft | 0767357258 | magampurahandicraft@gmail.com | |
107 | 16170 | Gamage Products | 0773019475 | gamageproductss@gmail.com | |
108 | 16205 | SANOENT Marketing | +94 753777257 | sanoent123@gmail.com | |
109 | 16236 | New Fashion Shoe Center | 0705000015 | wpchandana1977wp@gmail.com | |
110 | 16259 | Ulankulama Dairies (pvt) Ltd | 0254939777 | hr@ulankulamadairies.com | https://ulankulamadairies.com |
111 | 16287 | HS Products | 0777697301 | sudeerasampath1980@gmail.com | |
112 | 16294 | Jayasooriya Enterprises | 0771220296 | jayasooriyaenterprices401@gmail.com | |
113 | 16299 | Amara Products | 0773760819 | amaraproductos@gmail.com | |
114 | 16308 | Rasoda Dairies | 0372267777 | ccare@rasodairy.com | https://rasodairy.com/ |
115 | 17447 | Gunarathna Industries | 0767230026 | gunarathnaindustries@gmail.com | |
116 | 18353 | Elasto Group of Companies 9 | + 94 (0)34 2270007 | info@elasto.lk | https://www.elasto.lk/ |
117 | 19038 | Gami rasa srilanka | 0714801111 | newrajaratafood@gmail.com | |
118 | 19119 | Ceylon Tapes (Pvt) Ltd | +94 11 5880294 / +94 76 8501791 | idb19@ccytap.lk | https://ceylontapes.lk/ |
119 | 19538 | Saghee Enterprise | 0755157769 | niroshanvvm316@gmail.com | |
120 | 19638 | Mithila firm (pvt) ltd | +94770055599 | mithilafirm.ltd@gmail.com | https://worldwidefurniture.lk/ |
121 | 20500 | LOCHI Garment | 0714050504 | anuruddikadilhani55@gmail.com | |
122 | 20506 | Viraj Lakshan Bandara Digital | 0783297807 | Iinfo@virajlakshanbandara.com/ | https://virajlakshanbandara.com/ |
123 | 20604 | IDB - Engineering Workshop | +94 112 632 486 | idbeng@gmail.com | www.idb.gov.lk |
124 | 20860 | Mathika Products | 0714151711 | mathikaproducts@gmail.com | |
125 | 20865 | DIPPED PRODUCTS PLC | +94772088696 | postmast@dplgroup.com | www.dplgroup.com |
126 | 21647 | Dinu Mushroom | 0717152282 | Dinumashroom27@gmail.com | |
127 | 21655 | Ad-Quench Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | +94777692674 | fac.adquench@gmail.com | |
128 | 22238 | Nuwara Landscaping and Construction | 0714583176 | nuwaralandscaping@gmail.com | |
129 | 22278 | Allied Asia Pvt Ltd | +94764345114 | alliedasiapvtltd@gmail.com | thealliedasia.com |
130 | 22421 | TinPak(pvt)Ltd | 0114376735 | marketing@tinpakmetalcans.com | www.tinpakmetalcans.com |
131 | 22464 | Dearly Holiday Home & Safari | 0706565655 | dearlyholidayhome@gmail.com | |
132 | 22756 | Chanaka Iron Works | +94716352466 | chanakanadeep@gmail.com | |
133 | 22801 | Techshan Iron Works | 0717793268 | | |
134 | 22809 | Sanari Food Product | +94762817067 | thinthsamuditha@gmail.com | |
135 | 22904 | James Wood Enterprises | 0718543643 | jameswood.lk77@gmail.com | |
136 | 22926 | CEYLON PERFUME | 775700715 | globaltexlanka@gmail.com | |
137 | 23276 | Oshada Products | 0778478717 | priyanthajjmara@gmail.com | |
138 | 23345 | L.G.H.FISH MEAL | 0779329161 | lphettihewa@yahoo.com | |
139 | 23748 | Sapiri Spices Pvt Ltd | 0778136939 | info@sapirispices.com | www.sapirispices.com |
140 | 23840 | Sirilight Industries | 0767727273 | sirimathgodage@gmail.com | |
141 | 23939 | Finish Garment | 0710181100 | gayansamaraweera83@gmail.com | |
142 | 24080 | Ethuli Komarika Products | 0775510914 | indikagajaweera14@gmail.com | |
143 | 24096 | Akuru Huruwa | 0711494493 | kjayasooriya@gmail.com | |
144 | 24103 | ALA Sweets | 0776622380 | | |
145 | 24112 | Abeysinghe Rice Mill | 0712997488 | romeshdilshan90@gmail.com | |
146 | 24130 | Glow Lanka Jewellers | 0718084664 | glowlankajewellers@gmail.com | |
147 | 24139 | Samarasekara Rice Mill | 0773617910 | samarasekararicemills@gmail.com | |
148 | 24171 | Thakshila Products | 0760667161 | madushankashehan58@gmail.com | |
149 | 24218 | Friends Lanka Coir Products and Exports | 0094763535021 | flcpcoir@gmail.com | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085740212324&mibextid=b06tZ0 |
150 | 24238 | Sasindu Curd Products | 0775634137 | sanath.agalakada@gmail.com | |
151 | 24309 | Ruhunu Mahaweli Milk Products | 0777890862 | rgarusinghe@gmail.com | |
152 | 24345 | Ruwan Coir Mill | 0769098808 | osadijayasekara92@gmail.com | |
153 | 24364 | Denagama Minipura Ayurwedic Products | 0775953167 | sumithpushpakumara26@gmail.com | |
154 | 24373 | Growthex Ceylon (Pvt) Ltd | 0714530555 | growthex.ceyon@gmail.com | https://growthexceylon.com/ |
155 | 25063 | Sirrextar Paint (PVT) Ltd | 0711636462 | keerthi.sirrextar@gmail.com | www.sirrextar.com |
156 | 25194 | Sudeepa Products | 0778080636 | kameshadilanji0502@gmail.com | |
157 | 25234 | Gauni Bag Products | 0773911795 | udayakumaraemb123@gmail.com | |
158 | 25462 | A Plus Computer Training Center | 0775452450 | dilanthic54@gamil.com | |
159 | 25551 | SBS.COM OFFICE SOLUTIONS PVT LTD | 0114 101 000 | info@sbssrilanka.com | https://sbssrilanka.com/ |
160 | 26273 | Tower Engineering Works | 0771611193 | tower.engineering7@gmail.com | |
161 | 27739 | MITHWA INDUSTRIES (PVT)LTD | 0740239895 | mithwaind@gmail.com | |
162 | 27833 | Pubudu Electrical Engineering | 0772000712 | eapprasanna@gmail.com | |
163 | 27863 | PG Ceylon Products | +94719492044 | pgceylonproducts@gmail.com | pgceylon.blogspot.com |
164 | 28439 | STC GARMENT | 0742120075 | chamiliyanew@gmail.com | |
165 | 28600 | SKYOCEAN GLOBAL V. I. P. SERVICES | 075 975 7183, 075 395 7183, 077 22 22 799, 0771 277 922 | skyoceancargo@sltnet.lk, skyoceanglobalvip@gmail.com | |
166 | 29197 | Gunasekara Furniture | 0779670935 | lalgunasekara1966@gmail.com | |
167 | 29292 | DNK Works | 0760762653 | dinushanuwan228@gmail.com | |
168 | 29702 | Trans Continental Packaging and Commodities Pvt Ltd | 0773385919 | info@transcon.lk | transconpackaging.com |
169 | 29924 | SAS Food products (Pvt.) Ltd. | 070 4722809 | sasfoodproducts@gmail.com | |
170 | 30023 | Ranmuthu Natural Food Product | | | |
171 | 30400 | Lady Green | +94 70 130 4948 | info@ladygreenstore.com | www.ladygreenstore.com |
172 | 30420 | Kurugama CBT Village | 0767018001 | info@sansaro.lk | www.sansaro.lk |
173 | 30758 | KI PRODUCTS | 0770113955 | kiproductsrilankan@gmail.com | |
174 | 31353 | Black & White Furniture Pvt Limited | +94812423972 | mrfmeyen@gmail.com | |
175 | 31639 | ZOOM EXPO | 0773531132 | zoomexpo2023@gmail.com | |
176 | 31644 | Oligap Exports (Pvt) Ltd | +94 773366325 | info@oligap.com | https://oligap.com/ |
177 | 31830 | SARA Production | 0754660914 | saraproductionsrilanka@gmail.com | https://saraproductionlk.com |
178 | 32218 | ProtoMed (pvt) Ltd | 0775759965 | aravinda@protomed.lk | https://www.protomed.lk/ |
179 | 32352 | Hiru Coconut Oil Products | 0704267612 | sameerathakshal@gmail.com | |
180 | 32494 | Sancan Exports Lanka (PVT) Ltd | 0777326900 | info@sancanexports.com | |
181 | 32658 | Dimuth Grinding Mill | 0715486290 | | |
182 | 32687 | Kumudu Products | 0783030809 | camilamathagaveera12@gmail.co | |
183 | 32723 | Susiko Bakers (Pvt)Ltd | +94777191237 | suwimalr@gmail.com | www.susikofoods.com |
184 | 32727 | Johns Food Manufacturers and Distributors | +94 112 234 6545 | info@johns-international.com | https://johns-international.com/ |
185 | 32825 | Elegant Jewellery Works | 0764005201 | elegantjewelleryworks@gmail.com | |
186 | 32925 | GSK Products (PVT) Ltd | 0776028028 | malnilkatarolu@gmail.com | |
187 | 32944 | Senani Food product (Pvt.) Ltd. | 0777 635 600 | senaniproduct@gmail.com | |
188 | 33112 | Mandakini Consumer Products | | | |
189 | 33145 | Kavishka Products | 0719853815 | kavishkadolls@gmail.com | |
190 | 33303 | Image Makers (Pvt) Ltd | 0452223626 | imagemakers.lk@gmail.com | www.image-makers |
191 | 33430 | Sanadi Bake House & Confectionary | 0770541000 | athulaw219gmail.com | |
192 | 33713 | Explic Ceylon (Private) Limited | 0777777373 | admin@explicceylon.com | www.explicceylon.com |
193 | 33933 | Padma Aluminum Factory | 0717949269 | gkandambi69@gmail.com | |
194 | 34276 | Sampath super Trading Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. - Bakery products | | sampath.accof01@gmail.com | |
195 | 34507 | Dedu coconut oil | | | |
196 | 34517 | Hasi Arts | +94741534844 | hasiartsofficial@gmail.com | |
197 | 34540 | Sampath super Trading Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. - Water Bottle | | sampathstranwell@gmail.com | |
198 | 34557 | DCK Footwear | 0712920091 | dckpavahaneaw@gmail.com | |
199 | 34618 | PATHUM APPAREL | 0771488631 | | |
200 | 34673 | RAVI JEWELLERS PVT (LTD) | 0112392241 | Info@Ravijewellers.lk | https://www.ravijewellers.lk/ |
201 | 35033 | Earthfoam (pvt) Ltd | 0773272799 | januka@earthfoam.com | www.madewithearthfoam.com |
202 | 35307 | Miracle Natural Herbal Care Pvt Ltd | 0763447353 | sarah.niyomi.m@gmail.com | |
203 | 35443 | Parakkrama Industries & Traders | 0713274524 | rathnayakaramindu@gmail.com | |
204 | 35500 | Ceylon Facet | 0777265230 | sanjeewaunity@gmail.com | |
205 | 35664 | OneSmartBee(PVT)Ltd | +94779700555 | contact@onesmartbee.com | www.onesmartbee.com |
206 | 35675 | American Premium Water Systems (Pvt) Ltd | 0117677100 | info@americanwater.lk | www.americanwater.lk |
207 | 36209 | Oleema Industries (PVT) Ltd | +94777552810 | info@oleemaindustries.com | https://oleemaindustries.com/ |
208 | 36591 | Studio Rennaisance | +94777183453 | niran453@gmail.com | |
209 | 36596 | GREEN WAY ASIA LANKA PVT LTD | +94714413771 | ruwan@greenwayasia.com | https://www.royalcashew.lk/ |
210 | 36718 | Neptune Publications (Pvt) Ltd | 0777381335 | info@neptunepublications.com | www.neptunepublications.com |
211 | 36737 | Bopitiya Auto Enterprises | +94756870635 | info.bopitiyaauto@gmail.com | |
212 | 37038 | Sith Ruu Bathick | | champasilva6756@gmail.com | |
213 | 37121 | Higreen Harvest Lanka Pvt Ltd | 0776647461 | thusharaslic@gmail.com | |
214 | 37214 | Samaru Creations (PVT) Ltd | | samaru.lk@gmail.com | www.samaru.lk |
215 | 37252 | LALLANS SPORTS GOODS MANUFACTURES (PVT) LTD | 0452228613 | lallansperera@hotmail.com | |
216 | 37305 | Hega Tile Pvt. Ltd. | | hegacoat@gmail.com | |
217 | 37309 | Centella Ayurvedic Pavillion (Pvt.) Ltd., | +94717174174 | centellaayurvedic@gmail.com | |
218 | 37449 | RMS Products (Pvt)Ltd | 0761571600 | rmsproducts82@gmail.com | |
219 | 38203 | Nature's Virtue (Pvt) Ltd | 0912121826 | shani@naturesvirtue.lk | www.naturesvirtue.lk |
220 | 38367 | Pubudu Engineering (Pvt) Ltd. | 0094112855584 | pubudueng@sltnet.lk | www.pubudueng.net |
221 | 38714 | Green Dynamic | 0776614015 | greendynamic.ceylon@gmail.com | |
222 | 38757 | Hair Me by Anushka | 0768090902 | | |
223 | 38947 | Go Tours travel services (pvt) Limited | +94777426321 | ruwantrips@gmail.com | https://www.gotourslanka.com/ |
224 | 39053 | Miditer by DIMO Agribusinesses | 076 644 7803 | inquiries@miditer.com | https://www.miditer.com/ |
225 | 39077 | Thai Sumeda Enterprises | +94777788565 | thai.sumeda@yahoo.com | www.thaisumeda.com |
226 | 39210 | Ceylon Especiaria (PVT) Ltd | +94702145222 | ceylonespeciaria@gmail.com | www.ceylonespeciaria.com |
227 | 39575 | SM WOOD ZONE | | | |
228 | 39723 | Ashok Garments(pvt)Ltd | 0114328850 | ashok@ashokgarments.com | www.ashokgarments.com |
229 | 39751 | Raja Jewellers (Pvt) Ltd | 0112586949 | info@rajajewellers.com | www.rajajewellers.com |
230 | 39876 | Jack Fruit Ceylon (Pvt) Ltd | | | |
231 | 39991 | Colombo Academy of Hospitality Management | +9477 007 0109 | info@cahm.lk | https://www.cahm.lk/ |
232 | 40028 | ECOSKR PRODUCT | 0775117966 | srimalipathiranage@gmail.com | |
233 | 40116 | ROYAL FLOUR MILLS (PVT)LTD | 0773361557 | chairman@royalflourmills.com | www.royalflourmills.com |
234 | 40204 | ANNAI & SONS (PVT)LTD | 0212222091 | annaiandsons@gmail.com | www.annai.lk |
235 | 40302 | Sanota (Pvt)Ltd | 0716834335 | info@sanota.lk | www.sanotglobal.com |
236 | 40468 | Presswin Associate | 0112150395 | presswinass@gmail.com | |
237 | 40760 | S & S Food & Beverages Pvt Ltd | +94 372 245 430 / +94 718 721 749 | foods@bizimaging.lk | |
238 | 40845 | Thread Care Industries (Pvt) ltd. | +94 777 077 849 | threadcare@sltnet.lk | www,threadcareind.com |
239 | 40847 | New Sreepali Gasket Producers | +94722963590 | lahiru | |
240 | 40853 | Roshi Ruu Sithuwam | 0702413603 | roshisromadu@gmail.com | |
241 | 41111 | Saubhagya Agro | 0776537152 / 0701037668 | saubhagyaagroproducts@gmail.com | |
242 | 41351 | Sadhamini Bag Center | 0716120299 | monikapushpakumari0@gmail.com | |
243 | 41357 | Volga Food Products | 0777694661 | volgafoodproducts@gmail.com | |
244 | 41363 | Hela Rasa Trading | 0773675012 | helarasatrading@gmail.com | |
245 | 41370 | Srikatha Vermigrow | 0716404075 | nadeeshamjayasena@gmail.com | |
246 | 41460 | Maheshi Tailors | 0772185139 | maheshikadeshapriya@gmail.com | |
247 | 41463 | AROMEK PRODUCTS PVT LTD | 0716810874 / 0716810871 | aromek.ramani@jithproducts.com/ aromek.jagath@jithproducts.com | www.jithproducts.com |
248 | 41472 | Tharangi Hardware | 0778662219 | tarangitharangi@gmail.com | |
249 | 41480 | Vita Food | 0702627262 | amilatopbusiness@gmail.com | |
250 | 41491 | RM Products | 0765517020 | rmproducts490@gmail.com | |
251 | 41496 | Solar Power Evolution (PVT)LTD | 0729017033 | dissanayaketalent@gmail.com | |
252 | 41503 | Muthu Kekulu Mushroom | 0774683828 | nimalidevika190@gmail.com | |
253 | 41509 | Himesha Tailoring , Curtain & beauty Salon | 0775888751 | asoka.rhm@gmail.com | |
254 | 41811 | Jetwing Hotels Sri Lanka | +94 11 234 5700 | RESERVATIONS@JETWINGHOTELS.COM | https://www.jetwinghotels.com/ |
255 | 41817 | CHARSL CEYLON PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD | +94718189575 | charslceylon@gmail.com | |
256 | 42073 | A.L.M. Polythene Product | 076 7964492 | janakasamanthilaka1@gmail.com | |
257 | 42264 | BOT FARM PVT LTD | +94777792966 | botfarm.botfarm@gmail.com | www.botfarmceylon.com |
258 | 42276 | SAFO Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd | +94773611640 | info@safoconsultancy.com | www.safoconsultancy.com |
259 | 42540 | Mithwa industries (pvt.) Ltd. | 0772378635 | mithwaind@gmail.com | |
260 | 42622 | Maha Global Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd. | +94777311862 | | |
261 | 42830 | TLM Engineering (pvt) Ltd | 0773658812 | tlm.en.pvt@gmail.com | https://tlm-engineering-pvt-ltd.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral |
262 | 43075 | Romee Foods | +94117 735 005 | sales@romeefoods.com | https://romeefoods.com/ |
263 | 43210 | British Cosmetics (pvt) Ltd | 0772077020 | onlineorders@britishcosmetics.lk | https://www.britishcosmetics.lk/ |
264 | 43298 | Zest Lanka International (Private) limited | 0763305388 | info@thezestlanka.com | www.hotzyfoods.com |
265 | 43685 | Joy Pixel International (Pvt) Ltd | | | |
266 | 43744 | H N S Safety Equipment & Garments | 0773907441 | hsabaragamukorala@gmail.com | |
267 | 43775 | CEY CRAFT | 0712065543 | ranilkumara1987@gmail.com | |
268 | 43788 | Ceylon Herbees Products | +94742653372 | ceylonherbees@gmail.com | |
269 | 44104 | Eppawala Karawala | 0776148807 | bhagyashehan49@gmail.com | |
270 | 44161 | Ran Sivi Pop Corn | 0715113773 | sulo447@gmail.com | |
271 | 44164 | Malithi Tailors | 0701608288 | nileshadamayanthi@gmail.com | |
272 | 44209 | TechHyEye (Pvt) Ltd | 0706063010 | techhyeye@gmail.com | www.techhyeye.com |
273 | 44310 | Sarasi Bathik | 0778388099 | bathiksarasi@gmail.com | |
274 | 44718 | RANMAS FASHION GRAMENT | 0362258777 | ranmasgrament@gmail.com | |
275 | 45008 | Super fins life Jackets | 0772420524 | newkanga@gmail.com | |
276 | 45412 | A J Foods (Pvt) Ltd | 0777325533 | support@ajfoodz.com | ajfoodz.com |
277 | 45430 | Pure Cinnamon Exports(PVT)Ltd. | 0912261787 | factory@purecinnamon.com | www.purecinnamon.com |
278 | 45573 | Sadha Tharu Products | 0768757390 | karunarathna1978@gmail.com | |
279 | 45753 | Ceylon Coco Paradise pvt Ltd | 076 7142333 | | |
280 | 45875 | Worldwide Commodities (Pvt) Ltd | 0112189722 | info@wwc.world | www.seasonsofceylon.lk |
281 | 45883 | HK_Enterprises | 0777723052 | hirushtharaka1@gmail.com | |
282 | 45976 | CRS ENGINEERING PRIVATE LIMITED | +94112280004/6 | crs_engineers@sltnet.lk | www.crsengineering.lk |
283 | 46015 | SIVAKENGA ENGINEERING | 0212227049 | vishnukan12@gmail.com | |
284 | 46019 | Thiloona polkatu Anguru Nipadavanno | 077 0541159 | liyanagepriyanthi0@gmail.com | |
285 | 46106 | Lakmali fashions | 0775052981 | inokalakmalifernando@gmail.com | |
286 | 46229 | Yummy Tummy | 0743895702 | tonyjayasekara@gmail.com | |
287 | 46265 | CEYLON HAPPINESS | +94771000540 | lankabhoomioffice@gmail.com | https://ceylonhappiness.com/ |
288 | 46274 | Lion Fruit Products (Pvt.) Ltd. | 0777416260 | lionfoodproductspvt@gmail.com | |
289 | 46406 | Wimala Recycle (PVT) Ltd | 0769085155 | desilva0507@gmail.com | |
290 | 46413 | Hinidomas valley | | | |
291 | 46570 | Ahamed & Brothers Company (Pvt) Ltd | 0773090155 | info@coolwater.lk | |
292 | 46577 | Hilmas Lanka (pvt) ltd | 0777269920 | hilmaslanka.lk@gmail.com | |
293 | 46683 | Esha Product | 0779412456 | eshaproduct39@gmail.com | |
294 | 46803 | Fashion Line | 0382291110 | irosha.fashionlinegroup@gmail.com | |
295 | 46868 | Steel Cut Piece Center And Aluminum Welding Works | 0773862196 | steelcut129@gmail.com | |
296 | 46877 | Elite Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | 0773788882 | zifanimthi2020@gmail.com | |
297 | 46882 | Thisuri Tailors | 076-3985316 | | |
298 | 46886 | M&S Production | 0770580259 | | |
299 | 46900 | Supreme Oil Mills | +94775899855 | supremeoilmills@gmail.com | |
300 | 46905 | Sierra Agriventures Private limited | 94-11-2502931 | info@sierraagriventures.com | www.sierraagriventures.com |
301 | 46910 | Studio Nalini and Digital Color Labs PVT LTD | 0272223577 | studiosend@gmail.com | http://studiosend.wix.com/photography |
302 | 46914 | Ravindu Rice Mill | 0714408201 | | |
303 | 46919 | LNV Sea Foods Pvt Ltd | 0779529833 | lnvseafoodspvtltd@gmail.com | |
304 | 46936 | Bandarawaththa (Pvt) Ltd | 0702436878 | | |
305 | 46956 | RIO Marketing PVT Ltd | 094777353584 | info@riomarketing.lk | https://www.riomarketing.lk/ |
306 | 46985 | Priyanath Furniture | 0777209370 | samanthapriyanath1984@gmail.com | |
307 | 46994 | Luxury Food and Beverages Pvt ltd | 0776015708 | | |
308 | 47007 | Pasindu Nirmana | 0716649818 | sumundurajeewa@gmail.com | |
309 | 47012 | Situmedura Creations | 0715866586 | situmeduraarts@gmail.com | |
310 | 47145 | Radiance | 0763512890 | 123nithishdahamika@gmail.com | |
311 | 47278 | Isira products | +94711569712 | isira.products23@gmail.com | |
312 | 47292 | Sunrasa International (PVT) Ltd | 77 199 9109 | sunrasabadulla0@gmail.com | |
313 | 47302 | Sorabora Bag Center And Bthik House | 0774401039 | batikhosess@gmail.com | |
314 | 47312 | Sunsatar Packaging | 0785356595 | ssaman1116@gmail.com | |
315 | 47320 | RV Ceylon Product | 775565656 | | |
316 | 47329 | Pacific Trading | +94778456924 | pactrading1@gmail.com | |
317 | 47393 | Araliya Creations | 0775665151 | 0722shalikaranga@gmail.com | |
318 | 47412 | Remo Curtains | 0776598556 | | |
319 | 47419 | Chance Aluminium & Brass Foundry | 0779000206 | | |
320 | 47434 | ART with Sura | 0761044255 | | |
321 | 47452 | O Green Product & Exports | 0782348893 | | |
322 | 47471 | ceylondehys | 0758280615 | kumaranissanka2@gmail.com | |
323 | 47484 | Lakshan Dairy Products | 0779708725 | milkfoodlakshan@gmail.com | |
324 | 47516 | NC Engineering | 0112994277 | info#@ncengineering.lk | www.ncengineering.lk |
325 | 47587 | Savoury Lanka Enterprices | 0718786787 | savourylanka@gmail.com | |
326 | 47772 | AD Fashion | 077630096 | | |
327 | 47804 | NK Batik | 0775767901 | | |
328 | 47817 | FONIX SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS PVT LTD | 0770508710 | sanjayadilanka@gmail.com | www.fonixss.com |
329 | 47837 | Dream Fashion | 0766522862 | | |
330 | 47977 | Sandya Sweets | 0765092132 | | |
331 | 48011 | Nayana Fashion | 0712613462 | | |
332 | 48017 | Duleeka Products | 0777199065 | productsduleeka@gmail.com | |
333 | 48030 | The Cake Emporium | 0778552439 | bakir1985a@gmail.com | |
334 | 48036 | Volta Group | 027 2247648 / 077 1277777 | | |
335 | 48052 | DBJ Handmade Paper | 0765638649 | | |
336 | 48095 | Southern Smart (Pvt) Limited | 0777 166 477 | info@smartlk.com | www.smartlk.com |
337 | 48142 | Saviru Spices & Naturals (Pvt) Ltd | +94773633652 | saviru.naturals@gmail.com | |
338 | 48193 | Senara Garment | 0770114366 | senaragmt55@gmail.com | |
339 | 48207 | WFFLE BOY | +94778767700 | waffleboysrilanka@gmail.com | www.waffleboysrilanka.com |
340 | 48224 | Priyantha Saw Mill | 0766308009 | pkawindi2002@gmail.com | |
341 | 48286 | Wijesinghe Products | 0766462134 | oshankavishkawijesinghe@gmail.com | |
342 | 48303 | Skin Plus | 0712567314 | champikelokugamage@gmail.com | |
343 | 48333 | Ashoka Industries (PVT) Ltd | 0773690567 | ashokaindustries123@gmail.com | ashokaindustries.lk |
344 | 48351 | Achala Rice Mill | 0716843263 | liyanagenimal145@gmail.com | |
345 | 48365 | VGS Products | 0272555526 | gsbvcy@gmail.com | |
346 | 48375 | Lakshani Products | 0778575471 | chathanakaveen@gmail.com | |
347 | 48385 | DR Garment | 072 2982454 | printing.drg@gmail.com | |
348 | 48530 | Darshana Motors | 0714002626 | darshanamotors57@gmail.com | |
349 | 48534 | Randeepa Agrarian Private Limited | 027 222 77 88 | info@randeepa.com | www.randeepa.com |
350 | 48597 | Rico And Nature Industry | 0714845188 | ricoandnature@gmail.com | |
351 | 48614 | Wasthra Ceylon (PVT) Ltd | 0701657034 | wasthra.ceylon@gmail.com | www.wasthraceylon.com |
352 | 48624 | Subhashini Textiles | 0767413591 | udarajaya@gmail.com | |
353 | 48629 | Rangiri Aquarium | 0716971086 | sandakelum833@gmail.com | |
354 | 48636 | Bhagya Product | 0763087700 | ppchandani1973@gmail.com | |
355 | 48654 | Labukelle Dairy Products (Pvt) Ltd | 0714363420 | | |
356 | 48679 | Lakshan Products | 0712506497 | thamaradamayanthi1977@gmail.com | |
357 | 48752 | Anura Concrete Works | 0773202083 | sasmithathusara@gmail.com | |
358 | 48762 | BMC Raja | 0773755287 | rajabmc@yahoo.com | |
359 | 48892 | ACNA Industries | 0774650098 | | |
360 | 48897 | FRESHCA | 0773097780 | siraj1978@gmail.com | |
361 | 49223 | Freezman Technologies pvt ltd | 0777278277 | | |
362 | 49346 | GAYU Natural | | | |
363 | 49412 | Deepthi Products | 0763770449 | jayaweeradeepthi83@gmail.com | |
364 | 49430 | Sithusadi Products | 0778573708 | yashodya97@gmail.com | |
365 | 49442 | Anu Food Products | 0711566530 | vimal66580@gmail.com | |
366 | 49461 | A.A.A. Smart (Pvt) Ltd | 0767590517 | | |
367 | 49473 | Hiru Light | 0778439585 | madusankagayan278@gmail.com | |
368 | 49493 | Nilanthi Tailors | 0740545005 | | |
369 | 49501 | Pathirana Coconut Mills | 0710133465 | thilakasaman152@gmail.com | |
370 | 49513 | Vegemoto(PVT)Ltd | 0718344983 | jayagagaproducts@gmail.com | |
371 | 49523 | Swarnamali Pooja Banda | 0779045759 | | |
372 | 49532 | Unico Foods | 0711970558 | unicofood000@gmail.com | |
373 | 49538 | CENTURY ZONE (PVT) LTD | 0094 773700692 | centuryzon@gmail.com | www.yashiholdings.com |
374 | 49547 | Wikasitha Products | 0710105384 | oshadakishu@gmail.com | |
375 | 49570 | A.D.K. Induwar Bag Point | 0766585542 | induwarabagpoint2499mb@gmail.com | |
376 | 49575 | Crystal Holdings | 0759683849 | contact.crystalholdings@gmail.com | |
377 | 49709 | Shashikala Cane Products | 0772154399 | shashikalacane@gmail.com | |
378 | 49785 | Ranga Art Gallery | 0768033103 | samashsanthushperera@gmail.com | https://katamgallery.com/# |
379 | 49844 | ROO HERBAL PRODUCTS(PVT)LTD | 0557507907 | rooherbalproduct@gmail.com | www,rooherbal.lk |
380 | 49978 | Champika Export Marketing Private Ltd | 0812088851 | | |
381 | 49995 | Lumex Lanka | 0777490858 | lumexlanka@gmail.com | |
382 | 50044 | SHINEE | 0752209323 | tariduthikshana4@gmail.com | |
383 | 50061 | Vivid Enterprises | 0778330926 | shrilalpayagala@gmail.com | |
384 | 50152 | Ambewela Foods (Pvt) Ltd | 0771780001 | ambewelafood321@gmail.com | |
385 | 50158 | Jayamali Products | 0775886763 | edwinjayasekara15@gmail.com | |
386 | 50165 | Anupama Products | 0719854234 | anupamaproducts@gmail.com | |
387 | 50177 | Sirilak Products | 0552055171 | dammikaupali123@gmail.com | |
388 | 50187 | Korea Warpers (Pvt) Ltd | 0112798333 | rmekanayaka@gmail.com | |
389 | 50250 | BENTHARA HOTEL & BAKERS (PVT) LTD | 0332260101 | yohanmaduranga84@gmail.com | |
390 | 50256 | Revo - Revolution Advertising Agency | +94715418199 | info@revo.lk | www.revo.lk |
391 | 50462 | Best Fashion (Pvt) Ltd | 0770076157 | divyavenuraj3088@gmail.com | |
392 | 50471 | TK Products | 0774325366 | kaushi93madu89@gmail.com | |
393 | 50479 | Laklights Food Products | 0704732751 | laklightsibbagamuwa@gmail.com | Laklights.lk |
394 | 50486 | Colony Carbon Industries | 0762796470 | tharinduudarafix@gmail.com | |
395 | 50572 | Shali Holdings | 0382246522 | niro.ynsha@gmail.com | |
396 | 50632 | Subhani Home Bakers and Catering Service | 0772701586 | | |
397 | 50638 | Araliya Packaging Lanka Pvt Ltd | +94 76 88 88 803 | info@araliyapackaging.com | www.araliyapackaging.com |
398 | 50641 | Lakpriya Products | 0766756536 | | |
399 | 50652 | Gamirasa food product (Pvt) Ltd. | 070 3302302 | gamirasa.info@gmail.com | https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=httpwww.gamirasa.lk&h=AT2xtxzetnWxMMAzkQeXhDh2EvWcb_xVz-uVdRG2E_ZX1uvvBpSubl07eyG7Bw8qqw8NZ5kCAQalHMCU-CC3NcqP82CsyUvaClDzsHpkJPqFBYq-gQFEU1PmzzxhZkyL5JLt9GBPC1jqsM3sbCJwiA |
400 | 50701 | Aura Bridal Dreams (Ufrancke) | 0766241774 | aurabridaldreams@gmail .com | - |
401 | 50785 | New kuvenitex (Pvt) Ltd. | 0342272920 | newkuvenitex@gmail.com | https://kuvenitex.com/ |
402 | 50795 | Pawahan | 0767181203 | pawahanv@gmail.com | https://link-www.pawahan.lk/ |
403 | 50809 | Sara Spices | 0703627950 | sanjusanjaya11@gmail.com | |
404 | 50815 | SK PRODUCTS | 0763489626 | swarnakanthilatha@gmail.com | |
405 | 50850 | Sapidro Sweets Product | 0760488482 | hettigesenadi@gmail.com | |
406 | 50904 | SMART OFFSET PRINTERS | 0777412036 | smart1st2print@gmai.com | |
407 | 50924 | Anushka Fiber Industries | • +94 11 225 5400 | info@anufiber.com | www.anufiber.com |
408 | 50932 | MOUNT HOUSE | +94776598458 | directormounthouse@gmail.com | |
409 | 50968 | New Lakna Industries | 0779447408 | newlaknaindustries@gmail.com | |
410 | 51035 | Satchithanantham Shrimp Farm | 0774629907 | | |
411 | 51039 | A1Manufacturing | 0772779168 | | |
412 | 51059 | Hisara Pujabanda | 0717109165 | randunurashmika58@gmail.com | |
413 | 51063 | Vonlan Lanka Private Limited | 0362268050 | vonlan.lanka@gmail.com | |
414 | 51085 | Little Fairies | 0713011646 | sitharajeewanthi17@gmail.com | |
415 | 51096 | Susinidu Baby Care | 0771867480 | susinidubabycare@gmail.com | |
416 | 51109 | Taprobane Frozen Foods (PVT) Ltd | 0777580371 | dilan@tsf.lk | taprobaneseafoods.com |
417 | 51329 | CONCEIT WORLD | 0768389276 | granga36@gmail.com | |
418 | 51362 | Piumi Lanka Bathik | 0777217268 | premarathnas54@gmail.com | |
419 | 51371 | Sewadee Brasswear Manufacture | 0779104779 | kwr.kumarasiri@gmail.com | |
420 | 51779 | TNVS Bag Designs | 0711675405 | nilushalakmini@gmail.com | |
421 | 51823 | PRABA Bake House | 0763509383 | vinothpraba78@gmail.com | |
422 | 51846 | TOP & TOP Production | 0777230253 | nizmy31@gmail.com | |
423 | 51861 | Welsiri Rice Mill | 0774861055 | wgsanjeewa24@gmail.com | |
424 | 51886 | Ranyan Industries (Pvt) Ltd | 0777291533 | maduranga@amami.lk | https://www.hotelsupplies.lk/ |
425 | 51979 | Tharushi Sweets | | | |
426 | 51988 | St.Anthony's Biz (Pvt)Ltd | 0775879232 | info@stanthonys.biz | https://stanthonys.biz/ |
427 | 52032 | Vero Lanka Foods (Pvt) Ltd | 740316069 | info@verolankafoods.com | https://verolankafoods.com |
428 | 52090 | Nadeeshani Sweet | 0712041677 | pthushari84@gmail.com | |
429 | 52163 | Nasta Foods Pvt Ltd | +94773450257 | info@nasta.lk / nasttafoods@gmail.com | www.nasta.lk |
430 | 52183 | Miyuru Eco foods | 074 0019953 | miyuruecofoods@gmail.com | |
431 | 52198 | Little Farm | 0703833869 | littlefarmmushrooms@gmail.com | |
432 | 52203 | PARAMI INDUSTRIES | 0717180000 | info@himalayan.lk | |
433 | 52222 | New Weerasundara Concrete Works | 773424832 | samanthaweerasundara@gmail.com | https://www.google.com/search?q=weerasundara+concrete+works&oq=weerasundara+concrete&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j33i160l2.19115j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 |
434 | 52233 | LAND RECLAMATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY -REDECO | +94112876609 | agmredeco@gmail.com | |
435 | 52352 | Ceylon Cinnamon Company of James Pvt Ltd | +94771517161 | james@ceyloncinnamoncompany.com | https://ceyloncinnamoncompany.com/ |
436 | 52368 | SENSE Artisanal Tea | +94 76 128 2981 | sense.artisanaltea@yahoo.com | |
437 | 52417 | SEN LEATHER BAG PRODUCTS | 0772962404 | princy001980@gmail.com | |
438 | 53118 | EQUIP UNIT TRUST | 0212240110 | eutsri1996@gmail.com | |
439 | 53293 | CILON | 0742135103 | siloamceylon@outlook.com | |
440 | 53300 | VENKADESWARA AGRO INDUSTRY Pvt Ltd | 0212232460 | venkadeswaraagroindustry@gmail.com | https://venkadeshwara agro |
441 | 53311 | ZANDRA MESH INDUSTRIES (PVT)LTD | 0212058465 | info.zandramesh@gmail.com | |
442 | 53318 | SARAH INDUSTRIES (PVT)LTD | 0773573000 | sarahindustriespvtltd@gmail.com | |
443 | 53323 | Cement Marketing Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | 0112918636 | info@cementmarketing.lk | www.cementmarketing.lk |
444 | 53328 | Ultra Flex Innovation | 0712216636 | ultraflex2024@gmail.com | |
445 | 53344 | ANK EXPORT | 0778445994 | rubiniutha@gmail.com | |
446 | 53348 | Samantha Pan | 0711012840 | chanukanadun113@gmail.com | |
447 | 53435 | Emate Technologies | 0337809509 | hello@emate.lk | https://www.emate.lk |
448 | 53548 | Dewaki Agro Proteins(PVT) Ltd | 0777344784 | spradhap2@gmail.com | |
449 | 53564 | Ashi Quality Shoe | 0712096369 | | |
450 | 53571 | Almis Cinnamon | +94714613708 | almiscinnamon.ceylon@gmail.com | https://www.almiscinnamon.com/ |
451 | 53705 | Chathurya Shoe Mart | 0761101675 | | |
452 | 53722 | Liyonara Fashion | 0786573412 | | |
453 | 53744 | Elisha Gospel Handicrafts | 0762761740 | elishagosple@gmail.com | |
454 | 53771 | Nimreka Batik | 0775016489 | nimrekabatik@gmail.com | |
455 | 53791 | Mahathala Products | 0769385839 | hey.thilina@gmail.com | |
456 | 53823 | VAANNILA INDUSTRIES | 0775792161 | vaannila2000@gmail.com | |
457 | 53941 | U.S.A.ENTERPRISES | 0717141005 | gaminiweerathunga74@gmail.com | |
458 | 54344 | Samson Hume Pipes Industry(PVT)LTD | 0777746495 | | |
459 | 54352 | Arrowmark (Pvt) Ltd | 077-355 08 05 | arrowmarksl@gmail.com | |
460 | 54360 | Sameera Aluminium Industries | 0714100272 | sameera19indrajith@gmail.com | |
461 | 54490 | Shan Mushroom | 0768001951 | richardsimma@gmail.com | |
462 | 54505 | IG Fashion | 0712299228 | | |
463 | 54520 | Maya Grinding | 0777671363 | | |
464 | 54524 | Thiloka Enterprises | 033 22 87 602 | thilokaenterprises@gmail.com | |
465 | 54534 | Ima Fashion | 074-2181448 | pushpakumari@gmail.com | |
466 | 54539 | Kumar Tailors | 0770778226 | | |
467 | 54545 | Devdunu Creation | 0112748780 | devdunu23@gmail.com | |
468 | 54553 | HS Agro Exports( Pvt) Ltd | 0775202504 | info@hsagroexports.com | www.hsagroexports.com |
469 | 54576 | Lakdiva Engravers International (Pvt) Ltd | 0779644495 | lakdivaengraver@yahoo.com | |
470 | 54598 | Mallika Rice Mills & New Chathuri Food Products | 0452240284 / 0711508989 | chathurifoodproducts@gmail.com | |
471 | 54658 | Linton Tea (Pvt) Ltd | 07024618877 | linttea9@gmail.com | www.olinton.lk |
472 | 54706 | Jayantha Spice Export (PVT) Ltd | 0776873974 | jayanthaspice1966@gmail.com | |
473 | 54712 | Adam Carbons Limited | 0777364635 | waruna@adamcarbons.com | https://www.adamcarbons.com/ |
474 | 54724 | Ceylon and Foreign Trades PLC | 0722268467 | jp.usa20@yahoo.com | |
475 | 54732 | Dodwell and Company Ceylon (Pvt) Ltd | 0771094431 | waruna@adamcarbons.com | |
476 | 54740 | Echo Store (Pvt) Ltd | 0771094431 | waruna@adamcarbons.com | |
477 | 54764 | New Kumara Welding Works | 0770737102 | maneeshamadiranga@gmail.com | |
478 | 54779 | Techno Manufacturing Company | 0772868887 | suresh6126@gmail.com | www.technonaturals.lk |
479 | 54802 | Chathurangani Products | 0710649612 | | |
480 | 54812 | JP Lanka Food Product | 0752054244 | 13jasiprjplfoods@gmail.com | |
481 | 54821 | Supiri Lanka Products | 0715868300 | supirilankaproducts@gmail.com | |
482 | 54831 | Golden Solar (Pvt) Ltd | 0714410410 | goldensolar18@gmail.com | www.goldensolar.lk |
483 | 54852 | Jay Eco Foods | +94 70 577 2007 | jayecofoods@gmail.com | |
484 | 54864 | DEWAGE INDUSTRIES LANKA (PVT) LTD | +94 77 520 8216 | dewageindustrieslankapvtltd@gmail.com | www.delanka.lk |
485 | 54869 | GAIN HOLDINGS LANKA (PVT) LTD | +94707 727 860 | gainholdingslanka@gmail.com | https://gainholdingslanka.com/ |
486 | 54891 | Glory Fashion | 0774237737 | puji.lak@gmail.com | |
487 | 55077 | Lakshan Diary Products | 0779708725 | milkfoodlakshan@gmail.com | |
488 | 55082 | T & G wellassa chips (pvt) Ltd. | 0765851267 | Tgwellassa19@gmail.com | T&G wellassa chips (Pvt) ltd |
489 | 55137 | Coco Dreams Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | 0776274668 | nirushandulanjala5@gmail.com | |
490 | 55152 | Adeesha cane craft | 0713568230 | | |
491 | 55283 | Thanu Bag City | 0702025613 | thanubagcity@gmail.com | Thanu Bag City |
492 | 56509 | Jithuli Food Products | 0712893349 | rmskumara66@yahoo.com | |
493 | 56523 | Janaka Engineering Industries (pvt).ltd | 0272223848 | info@jei.lk | www.jei.lk |
494 | 56534 | H&D Food Products | 0776925213 | harshapradeep066@gmail.com | |
495 | 56539 | Thinaya international Pvt. Ltd. | 070 3302301 | thinayainternational@gmail.com | |
496 | 56560 | SFS Group & Paints | 0770111110 | sfsgroupoffice@gmail.com | |
497 | 56719 | Dangalawatte Natural rubber Pvt. Ltd. | 0773567947 | dhanusha@dnrubber.com | |
498 | 56738 | S L enterprises | 0776400566 | lahiruprasad467@gmail.com | |
499 | 56745 | Sigiri Distributors | 0777325233 | sigiriroofing@gmail.com | |
500 | 56762 | Hareema confectionaries | 0775002271 | vindyashayamali@gmai.com | |
501 | 56769 | Smart Tailoring | 0778485012 | indikaabecon@gmail.com | |
502 | 56786 | Kanchana Handicrafts | 0112700537 | | |
503 | 57138 | ONVO CLOTHING (PVT) LTD | 0777209396 | onvoclothingcompany@gmail.com | onvoclothingcompany.com |
504 | 57173 | HERBS HERENCIA (PVT) LTD | +94552270005 | sehaniexports17@gmail.com | https://herbsherencia.com/ |
505 | 57278 | C & S Shoes | | candsshoeschami2024@gmail.com | |
506 | 57280 | Rande Super Food (PVT) LTD | 0761855626 | randeeproduct@gmail.com | |
507 | 57438 | Shani Apparel | 076 7099211 | shaniapprel@gmail.com | |
508 | 57490 | Taprobana Organic Foods Pvt. Ltd. | 0773567947 | contactus@taprobanaorganic.com | https://www.taprobanaorganic.com/about.html |
509 | 57527 | ROVES FOOD & BEVERAGE (PVT) LTD | 0771069435 | info@exporoves.com | www.exporoves.com |
510 | 57544 | Hello Fellow Kids (Private) Limited | 077 999 9252 | info@hellofellowstore.com | www.hellofellowstore.com |
511 | 57556 | Powerline Electric Company | 0773000838 | shehan@powerline.lk | shop.powerline.lk |
512 | 57578 | Nelco Food Products (Pvt) Ltd | 0454930142 | nelcofoodproduct@gmail.com | |
513 | 57592 | Ceylon Sri Batik | 0716512648 | niyomiiresha@gmail.com | |
514 | 57605 | Pabodha Products | 0701479645 | asokaranjani19@gmail.com | |
515 | 57664 | WT SLIPPERS | 0717754343 | | |
516 | 57716 | Malith Products | 0764382316 | | |
517 | 57725 | Sara Rice Products | 0772818219 | gamagemadu534@gmail.com | |
518 | 57734 | Winway Apparel | 0717101023 | | |
519 | 57745 | H M S Apperal | 0751165643 | hearathkumari604@gmail.com | kumudu incense sticks |
520 | 57748 | Antler Industries (Pvt) Ltd | 011-2614316 | chathurikam@antlergroup.com | www.britol.lk |
521 | 57758 | Aura Fashion Designer and cake House | 0774403405 | aurafashiondesigner@gmail.com | |
522 | 57767 | Cecrafto Pvt Ltd | 0760061067 | hello@cecrafto.com | www.cecrafto.com |
523 | 57824 | Niyon Foot Wear | 0777365787 | karunanishan@gmail.com | |
524 | 57884 | GREEN POLY LANKA Enterprise | 0704315414 | greenpolylanka@gmail.com | |
525 | 57969 | Delicious Foods | 0755791152 | deliciousfoods198@gmail.com | |
526 | 57984 | VEEHIRADA Bag Creations | 0767309568 | ubayarathnasilva@gmail.com | |
527 | 57995 | SUDARSHEE Products | 0718709557 | | |
528 | 58004 | MR. Mushroom | 0778227816 | thatchee21@gmail.com | |
529 | 58019 | SRI Kotagala Fabric | 0763840458 | | |
530 | 58036 | A.J.V.S. Fashion | 0760902219 | | |
531 | 58046 | HUMAS NATURAL | | | |
532 | 58095 | Dayana recycling & Manufacturing | 0212228680 | dayanaplastic0@gmail.com | |
533 | 58108 | R G Tailor | 0760437741 | | |
534 | 58114 | Sowpakiyam Natural Juice Bar | 0775333611 | | |
535 | 58129 | SP Styles | 0765250503 | | |
536 | 58151 | MANAHARA Fashion | 0773456162 | manaharafashion6@gmail.com | |
537 | 58159 | FAMILY Choice Marketing | 0771170931 | | |
538 | 58177 | Kothmale ARABICA Products | 0707507708 | | |
539 | 58188 | Lucky multi products | 0770201429 | salesluckyliquidsales@gmail.com | |
540 | 58195 | SUN MIXTURE | 0779070379 | | |
541 | 58201 | N FLASH SUPPER DETERGENT | 0778444951 | hiclean24@gmail.com | |
542 | 58255 | SEMPULAM DRY FOOD PRODUCTS | 0773715783 | sempulamdf@gmail.com | www.sempulamf.com |
543 | 58265 | BIMACO HERBLE PRODUCTS(PVT)LTD | 0755020820 | bimacoproducts@gmail,com | |
544 | 58278 | Liquid Island Pvt Ltd | 0777592801 | | https://www.oluwater.com/ |
545 | 58294 | MAL MALLEE ENTERPRISES | 0767080499 | malmallee82@gmail.com | |
546 | 58509 | HIRUNAKA BAKE HOUSE | | | |
547 | 58521 | Rotec Automation (PVT) ltd | 076-3484857 | sales@rotecautomation.lk | https://rotecautomation.lk/ |
548 | 58540 | Disandi Coconut Oil | 0768445405 | dileepaab87@gmail.com | |
549 | 58566 | Chamara Products | 0779390564 | gamunuk273@gmail.com | |
550 | 58577 | Star Cream House | +94756790311 | rasan543@gmail.com | |
551 | 58586 | Tharaka Products | 0778055652 | tharakaproducts@gmail.com | |
552 | 58614 | Sandeepa Fashion | 0765659932 | sandeepafashion123@gmail.com | |
553 | 58643 | Aiththam | +94778554853 | aiththam3@gmail.com | |
554 | 58656 | Milkiway Juice & Dairy (Pvt) Ltd | +94 77 324 0059 | thabithahamadh@gmail.com | |
555 | 58670 | Vulcans Industrial Engineering (Pvt) Ltd | 0777536066 | | |
556 | 58676 | SUBAS BAKERY | 0770059698 | subashbakery1975@gmail.com | |
557 | 58687 | HARNI GARMENT | 0773129467 | harnitailoring@gmail.com | |
558 | 58692 | NOBLE INTERNATIONAL PAPERS LANKA (PVT)LTD | 0212213000 | nnobleipl@gmail.com | |
559 | 58701 | 3S MARKETING (PVT) LTD | 0553130444 | 3smarketingbuttala@gmail.com | 3smarketing.lk |
560 | 58807 | Sky Line Bag | | | |
561 | 58815 | Mandari coconut products | 0715791907 | | |
562 | 58833 | New Star Production | +94750173270 | newstarsince1996@gmail.com | |
563 | 58846 | EBIRON MIXTURE & FOODS (PVT)LTD | 0778518180 | | ebiron mixture.lk |
564 | 58864 | Mr. SHAA Product | 0768380897 | nmrauff0715110897@gmail.com | |
565 | 58872 | Aruna Products | 077-3292691 | mahendraperera53@gmail.com | |
566 | 58893 | M.M.Rice Mill (PVT) Ltd | 0764642250 | dinithabeysekara@icloud.com | |
567 | 58913 | Roohy's Cake | 0771699070 | marijruzaify@gmail.com | |
568 | 58936 | Nathuco Brown | 0772520108 | nathucobrown@gmail.com | |
569 | 59012 | Awesome Green Mart (Pvt) Ltd | +94772271233 | faisar2020@gmail.com | |
570 | 59909 | Gnanam Foods (Pvt) Ltd. | +94 77 474 8482 | info@gnanamfoods.com | https://catchspices.lk/ |
571 | 60226 | HD Home Decor | 075 60 60 819 | hdhomedecor2010@gmail.com | |
572 | 60230 | AM Soul Mate (Pvt) Ltd | 0756282172 | amsoulmatesoap@gmail.com | |
573 | 60251 | K MIX GARMENT | 0773889530 | | |
574 | 60256 | A & D Foods & Sweets | 078 542 6019 | anjanadavinda232@gmail.com | |
575 | 60311 | Krishan Motors Company (PVT) Ltd | 0706045204 | krishanmotorscompanypvtltd@gmail.com | |
576 | 60387 | Nimro Paint Industries (pvt) Ltd | 037 469 0517 | Email : info@nimlacpaints.lk | https://nimlacpaints.lk |
577 | 61084 | Ranaweera Saw Mills | 0778365617 | chamithrv@gmail.com | |
578 | 61091 | Jaya Palace (Pvt.) Ltd. | +94761663031 | jayapalace7@gmail.com | |
579 | 61190 | GKUC INTERNATIONAL (PVT) LTD | 0707996666 | KASUN@GKUC.LK | www.gkuc.lk |
580 | 61218 | D and A Marketing | +94382288388 | info@bristo.lk | https://bristo.lk/ |
581 | 61223 | Chandana Harness | 0777471054 | chandanaharnees@gmail.com | |
582 | 61243 | Ruu Design | +94716242883 | deemanthashai@gmail.com | |
583 | 61341 | Sachini Products | 0703323649 | sachinikaushalya1022@gmail.com | |
584 | 61450 | Shalidu Bag Production | 0782391619 | | |
585 | 61458 | N&N Fibre Factory | 0712694787 | nalinajith33@gmail.com | |
586 | 61539 | Mega Heaters Pvt Ltd | | mega@sltnet.lk | www.megaheaters.com |
587 | 61658 | K V COCO FEED (PVT)LTD | 0763947658 | kvcocofeedpvtltd@gmail.com | |
588 | 61758 | Ranjali Bathik | 0779791290 | hoshanchanuka1@gmail.com | |
589 | 61800 | Warna Batic And Tailoring | 0713921513 | batikwarna8@gmail.com | |
590 | 61814 | GKUC SPICY PORT (PVT) LTD | +94357286464 | sales@gkucexports.com | www.gkucexports.com |
591 | 61819 | Weliwaththa Sweets House | 0710908383 | thanujagayathri3@gmail.com | |
592 | 61836 | Ashadi Jewellers(Pvt)Ltd | 0112074475 | info@ashadijewellers.com | www.ashadijewellers.com |
593 | 61914 | Clean Poly Packaging pvt ltd | 035 4928181 | sales@cleanpoly.com | www.cleanpoly.com |
594 | 61919 | ADMIX PHOTO VISION PVT LTD | 0752829034 | admixpv@gmail.com | |
595 | 61940 | Vocell Lanka Pvt Limited | | | |
596 | 61952 | CEYLON HERITAGE COLLECTION (PVT) LTD | 077 410 0093 | info@ceylonheritage.lk | http://ceylonheritage.lk/ |
597 | 62331 | Queen Heart | 0704034356 | dineshsumudu767@gmail.com | |
598 | 62422 | Gunasinghe Coconut Oil | 0713569756 | gunasinghawinitha@gmail.com | |
599 | 62443 | Green Heart Sakee | 0777214127 | shanka531@gmail.com | |
600 | 62460 | Hashini New Products | 0714201050 | hashinimaduranga89@gmail.com | |
601 | 62552 | Tharanga Rice Mill | 0716119926 | hathilak80@gmail.com | |
602 | 62558 | BMP PRODUCES (PVT) LTD | 0719933943 | bmpproducts7@gmail.com | |
603 | 62579 | SIYEN TEES | 0772280984 | suravipro@gmail.com | |
604 | 62589 | Fashion Bag | 0773223739 | | |
605 | 62602 | Uswatte Golden Biscuits (Pvt.) Ltd. | 0112040777 | malith.a@uswatteconfectionery.com | https://www.uswatte.lk/biscuits.html |
606 | 62615 | Uswatte Confectionery works (Pvt.) Ltd. | 0772711371 | info@uswatteconfectionery.com | https://www.uswatte.lk/index.html |
607 | 62630 | U Best Product | 0769961625 | | |
608 | 62671 | Buddhi International (pvt) Limited | 0112280086 | accounts@buddhiindustry.lk | https://www.buddhiindustry.lk/ |
609 | 62698 | Lanka Agroartis Pvt Ltd | 0774444744 | info@lankaagroartis.com | https://lankaagroartis.com/ |
610 | 62707 | Ceylonma Products PVT LTD | 0777810671 | | |
611 | 62710 | Ceylon Eco Spices (Pvt) Ltd | +94701820135 | info@ceylonecospices.com | www.ceylonecospices.com |
612 | 62723 | Disney Princess Resin Art | 0757127226 | | |
613 | 62736 | KVN Food Products | 0716001805 | kanthiln@gmail.com | |
614 | 62750 | My Cool Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | 0759123916 | | |
615 | 62776 | K.M.M. Carpentry Workshop | 0772345946 | ecxampdf.lk@gmail.com | |
616 | 62795 | Foreconns canneries | 0717906925 | info@foreconns.com | https://foreconns.com/ |
617 | 62816 | Diamond International Lanka (pvt) Ltd | 0777356778 | lalith@diamondlanka.org | www.diamondlanka.com |
618 | 62825 | FR SOFTNET (Pvt) Ltd | | frank@frsoftnet.co.uk | http://www.frsoftnet.co.uk/ |
619 | 62832 | FRANKIA FOODS HUB [PVT] LTD | +94769923952 | ranik@frankiafoodshub.com | https://frankiafoodshub.com/ |
620 | 62841 | Akram Welding Shop | 0777073365 | akrammaskoor@gmail.com | |
621 | 62846 | Tag Mart Labels and Packaging(pvt) ltd | +94786344815 | chandana@tagmartlabels.com | https://www.tagmartlabels.com/ |
622 | 62895 | Sithmal Holdings PVT LTD | 0713010577 | sithmal94@gmail.com | www.sithmal.lk |
623 | 62917 | Hasitha Grinding Mix | 0785573294 | | |
624 | 62923 | Nature's Coco (Pvt) Ltd | 0754064120 | | |
625 | 62934 | Riyas Steel Fabrication | 0755116687 | | |
626 | 62945 | Dharmasiri Tyre House (Pvt) Ltd | (+94) 272223743 | dthtyres@hotmail.com | dthgroup.org |
627 | 63037 | City Ice | 0779686994 | | |
628 | 63204 | IRFG | 0758885702 | | |
629 | 63288 | Sammila Carpentry Workshop | 0775397240 | | |
630 | 63381 | Green Moon World | 0757501001 | | |
631 | 63510 | NETZOO Bites | 0711007611 | dimuthumalaka91@gmail.com | |
632 | 64587 | Ruwan Cushion Works | 0767611106 | | |
633 | 64768 | S.S.Fashions | 0774229790 | ssfashionsweb@gmail.com | |
634 | 65109 | Mashi Fashion | 0763104194 | mashifofficial@gmail.com | |
635 | 65441 | NP NEW INCUBATOR | 0703234037 | nadunprasad49@gmail.com | |
636 | 66576 | Smart Solutions International Pvt Limited | +94 703 095 082 | info@ssi.lk | www.ssi.lk |
637 | 66995 | ARCHCHI MIXTURE | 0776010039 | | |
638 | 67288 | Mertics (Private) Limited | 0777140803 | ilham@hashnate.com | https://hashnate.com/ |
639 | 67529 | NUTRI FOOD PACKERS | 0766289170 | nutrifpack@gmail.com | Nutri Food Packers |
640 | 67630 | Digital Electronics | 0777850740 | naleef12@gmail.com | |
641 | 67723 | Yehiya Advertising | 0773206565 | 3206565@gmail.com | https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=httpwww.yehiya.netfbclidIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3sQHWUfj_lWSFRFy0q7rVOq4Gexj_roSoeSOCiurPxxXOHs-N9_uKsGsE_aem_ATsGOhKQVurGA0w09VyTUG41TX25aEEj1bxqm7mBwQtztVCyqmRti7KbtuWAJWhT2DItHMrk132fBsHMueIiqyQb&h=AT2Jk5ekKOHFDpyJVBwSqTwXIL3C5pAjhGx0wJztUJNSXefgNmNIEfQoZVh5PWW7GUdIXyNkokVljrRNEZ136F1a0MoPdWYTyf6HCEsHRzJI3G_1q9PVo-KAcz5-fVrCGagJcg |
642 | 67848 | ALLAI VIVASAYI HEALTHY FOOD CENTER | 0776219086 | mnkirisan@c | |
643 | 67954 | MALLIKA GRINDING MILLS | 0779855835 | | |
644 | 68072 | Kumari Grains & Spices Products | 0717157225 | | |
645 | 68191 | Eastern Fertilizer Company (Private) Limited. | 0742012190 | easternfirtilizer355@gmail.com | https://efc.lk/ |
646 | 68277 | JKYPS Hydro Hi-Tec Farm | 0771838765 | saththiyan1985@gmail.com | |
647 | 68752 | DKW Aqua International (Pvt) Ltd | 0713918703 | | |
648 | 68811 | TAJO PC Solution | 0771850700 | tajopcsolution@gmail.com | |
649 | 69335 | Dayara Oshadhi Products | 0786229333 0773068701 | dayalrajapaksha63@gmail.com | |
650 | 69352 | Kesha Production | 0773788913 | keshaproduction@gmail.com | |
651 | 69479 | T.H.D. INDUSTRIES | 0752756457 | prabav351@gmail.com | |
652 | 69602 | ES Trading | 0772342189 | namal@escashew.com | www.escashew.com |
653 | 69740 | ASP FASHION | 0712047005 | | |
654 | 69958 | DEVINDA Visithuru Banda Nishpadana | 0775241390 | | |
655 | 70080 | DULARI BRASS HOUSE | 0777204135 | | |
656 | 70170 | Eravur Motors and Industrial Products | 0773764700 | eravurmotores@gmail.com | |
657 | 70292 | Elite International Exports(PVT)Ltd | | | |
658 | 70304 | Shri Aqua Minerals | 0777520236 | | |
659 | 70390 | Chey Organics (Private)Ltd | 0702871988 | cheyorganics@gmail.com | cheyorganics.co |
660 | 70410 | Keven Dry Fish | 0776997883 | | |
661 | 70495 | PAVI MULTI PRODUCTS | 0774338031 | pavi200102@gmail.com | |
663 | 70677 | Group of Ceylon Frangrance (PVT) Ltd | 0740006454 | sandeepvidushan@gmail.com | |
664 | 70802 | MEENADSHI AMMAN PAPADAM | 0776322349 | | |
665 | 70884 | New Piyara Food Products (Pvt) Ltd | 0703941394 | piyarafoodproducts@gmail.com | |
666 | 70890 | COCO JGS | 0701585013 | contact@cocojgs.com | |
667 | 71038 | Sirisara Products | 0779099064 | sujeewickrama@gmail.com | |
668 | 71058 | Ushani Tailors | 0764744966 | | |
669 | 71110 | Saara Mushrooms | 0740401013 | saaramushrooms@gmail.com | |
670 | 71234 | Galoya Coconut Mill | 0711976647 | | |
671 | 71363 | Thusitha Papadam | 0775813455 | | |
672 | 71365 | TRENDY Fashion | 0710776443 | nokiashan800@gmail.com | |
673 | 71412 | Vmax product (pvt) ltd | 779190108 | hemanthasri83@gmail.com | |
674 | 71813 | British Cosmetics | 077 230 3030 | sales@britishcosmetics.lk | https://www.britishcosmetics.lk/ |
675 | 71896 | Agri Deshiya (Pvt) Ltd | 0705450468 | marketing_exe@agrideshiya.com | |
676 | 72022 | Jupiter Packing Suppliers | 0777715233 | jupiterpacking7@gmail.com | |
677 | 72072 | AnJ FOODS | 0713631843 | anjhomemadefoods@gmail.com | |
678 | 72173 | THOTAWATTHA ENGINEERING | 0714010101 | thotawatthaew@gmail.com | https://thotawattha.com/ |
679 | 72257 | Lakpa | 0711902180 | sandaruwan.lakpa@gmail.com | https://www.lakpafootwear.lk/ |
680 | 72386 | A & A Creations | 0778839101 | newajart.creations@gmail.com | |
681 | 74507 | Hashemma Creative Food Products | 0711783017 | isuriashika24@gmail.com | |
682 | 74692 | Sakura Products & export(pvt)Ltd | 0770058895 | sakurathala@gmail.com | |
683 | 75421 | K.H.Co Helmets | 0912292464 | khcohelmets@gmail.com | |
684 | 75434 | Farms Pick (Pvt) Ltd | 0777888428 | spicey.lk@gmail.com | |
685 | 75571 | Kandy Ayurvedic Pharmacy Limited | | | |
686 | 75640 | The Metal Factor(Pvt)Ltd | | | |
687 | 75943 | Upcounty Brothers (pvt) Ltd | 0742915042 | upcountrybrothers@gmail.com | |
688 | 75950 | Gleam Ceramic Complex | 0710420954 | dpjayasundara04@gmail.com | |
689 | 76001 | YAMMY PRODUCTS | 0715874145 | | |
690 | 76387 | Snow Moos | 0714441111 | maldarainfo@gmail.com | www.maldara.lk |
691 | 76819 | COSMOPOLY( PVT) LTD | 0812420271 | cosmopoly.kandy@yahoo.com | www.cosmopoly.lk |
692 | 77848 | Deepani Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd | 0812422989 | info@deepanient.com | https://deepanient.com/ |
693 | 79162 | Felix Printers (Pvt) Ltd. | 0112678180 | print@felixprinterssl.com | www.felixprinterssl.com |
694 | 79331 | Maldara | 0714441111 | maldarainfo@gmail.com | www.maldara.lk |
695 | 79549 | Sirikatha Industries (Pvt) Ltd | 0701073320 | sirikathaindustries@gmail.com | https://sirikathaindustries.com/ |
696 | 80454 | Mahima Products | 075-0546768 | anandarathnakumara1970@gmail.com | |
697 | 80597 | Thashin Lanka Minerals (pvt) Ltd | 045 2263003 | : lankathashin@gmail.com | |
698 | 80683 | Nirmani Production | 0765270976 | nirmani1970106@gmail.com | |
699 | 80695 | Virgin Beauty Saloon | 0762207002 | virginiawijewardane@gmail.com | |
700 | 80748 | Nelum Art | 0776934235 | artistasanga@gmail.com | |
701 | 80971 | ART OUTDOOR FURNITURE | 0712689295 | artoutdoorf@gmail.com | |
702 | 80979 | AR Cushion Work | 0755280733 | | |
703 | 80986 | Wajithas | 0778185333 | | |
704 | 81033 | Mihiri Bakemart (pvt)Ltd | 0770860860 | orders@mihirifoods.lk | https://www.mihirifoods.lk/ |
705 | 81115 | RICH YUMMY & HEALTHY Pvt Ltd | 0774131444 | richyummyhealthy@gmail.com | |
706 | 81392 | Mihingu Fashion | 0770732462 | mihingufashion30@gmail.com | |
707 | 81451 | SIVAPATHY PRODUCTS | 0774956540 | susi06288@gmail.com | |
708 | 81838 | GOLDEN FOOD PRODUCTS | 0779229661 | ajfgolden543@gmail.com | |
709 | 81866 | Polkoratuwa farm | 0767296327 | Polkoratuwafarm@gmail.com | |
710 | 81925 | Natural shell art | 0762639498 | Naturalp66@gmail.com | |
711 | 82191 | ATHUKORALA GROUP (PVT) LTD | 777724322 | atf@athukoralagroup.com | www.athukoralagroup.com |
712 | 82403 | Super fins life jackets | | | |
713 | 83126 | SOLE 2 SOUL FOOTWEAR | 07423000006 | Priyanthaanura4gmail.lk | |
714 | 83600 | Unlimit Products | 0777826164 | | |
715 | 83689 | THINU Products | 0779445869 | | |
716 | 84210 | LISA CRAFTS | 0770579395 | lisa-crafts.store@gmail.com | |
717 | 84403 | Sanjaya Rubber Industries | 0763308259 | | |
718 | 84533 | Janapriya Steel Products | 071 824 2680 | janapriyaent@gmail.com | |
719 | 84668 | SRI Raja Tailors | 0772344367 | | |
720 | 84757 | shakthi steel products | 0777725274 | info@shakthisteel.com | https://www.shakthisteel.com/ |
721 | 84930 | ACN Starwberry | 0718289072 | | |
722 | 85409 | Diyatha Holdings(PVT)LTD | 011227660 | ajantha@diyatha.lk | www.diyatha.lk |
723 | 85491 | Ramanayake Impression (Pvt) Ltd | | | |
724 | 85601 | Sanathana Viskam | 0773380007 | sanathanabathik@gmail.com | |
725 | 85825 | Senasa Creations | 0778462207 | | |
726 | 85879 | VMS Ice Product | 0771866793 | | |
727 | 86011 | Nandana Trade Centre | 0753524082 | | |
728 | 86083 | Feathers Fashion Design | 0762233663 | | |
729 | 86431 | Rasa Kitchen | 0770350481 | pererakalyani86@gmail.com | |
730 | 86649 | East Star Handlooms (Pvt) Ltd | 0777371735 | niyas@eshandlooms.com | |
731 | 86821 | NJART | 0763068888 | njart79@gmail.com | |
732 | 86919 | Wijesinha Products | 0767320748 | wijesinghat@gmail.com | |
733 | 87021 | AKS Bags Centre | 0771902370 | | |
734 | 87078 | Wathmi Products | 0775726787 | | |
735 | 87393 | Gala's Gallery | 0773822032 | galasgallerysrilanka@gmail.com | |
736 | 87685 | Vimal Tailors & Trading (Pvt) Ltd | 0766775513 | | |
737 | 87949 | Eternal plastic | 0412251466 | eternalplasticmf@gmail.com | |
738 | 88581 | Lewis Engineering | 0572245299 | lewissonwelimada@gmail.com | |
739 | 88843 | New wijaya lanka Caterers & Bakers | 041-2293122 | | |
740 | 89143 | PABASARA Kithul Product | 0719406234 | | |
741 | 89185 | Green Blue Nature sl (pvt) Ltd | 0713455304 | | |
742 | 89312 | ATC Products | 0757326580 | | |
743 | 89953 | VMP Agribusiness | 0718707099 | | |
744 | 90088 | Malindu Curtains | 0719448861 | | |
745 | 91270 | Angel Inn Wear | 0778581198 | meeravakeesan@gmail.com | |
746 | 91479 | R S P A Holdings (Pvt) Ltd | 0777770653 | pawanchandeepa@gmail.com | |
747 | 91618 | Jayadi Food Product | 0718233030 | jayadifood@gmail.com | |
748 | 91755 | Richi Dairies Lanka (pvt) Ltd | 0572281014 | | |
749 | 91887 | MC Creations | | | |
750 | 92031 | Ceylonize | 0768308032 | info.ceylonize@gmail.com | |
751 | 92156 | SARA Production | 0754660914 | saraproductionsrilanka@gmail.com | |
752 | 92217 | DEWMINI Curtain Fashion (Pvt) Ltd | 0779967761 | | |
753 | 92598 | Hela Natural Product | 0719252171 | | |
754 | 92882 | Haritha Home Made Tea | 0767983000 | sanduninissanka5@gmail.com | |
755 | 93112 | Krishna Apperel | 0728719128 | | |
756 | 93155 | Insomnia Private Limited | 0761393166 | admin@insomnia.lk | www.insomnia.lk |
757 | 93168 | N.S. Fashion | 0753487525 | | |
758 | 93305 | K.D. Fashion | 0775448293 | | |
759 | 93466 | Wenulight | 0704306620 | | |
760 | 93627 | Iresha Bag Center | 0717278284 | ireshabagcenter@gmail.com | |
761 | 93764 | Didhara Creations | 0775464717 | | |
762 | 94002 | Helanta Coffee | 0773815519 | sales@helanta.com | www.helanta.com |
763 | 94087 | Akeshi Holdings | 0773309798 | | |
764 | 94225 | SUNEETHA Flora (Pvt) Ltd | 0711115189 | | |
765 | 94318 | New Baby | 0777047357 | newbabychandrakumar@gmail.com | |
766 | 94383 | Happy First Oil Mill | 0774779097 | dhammikah@masholding.com | |
767 | 94500 | Oshi Product | 0779535790 | | |
768 | 94557 | Dahamsa Apparel | 0779928542 | liyanapathirana2005@gmail.com | |
769 | 94733 | Rankaral Industries (PVT) Ltd | 0773681004 | rankaral.management@gmail.com | https://www.ogmfoods.lk/ |
770 | 94868 | Cardinal | 0717863005 | | |
771 | 94915 | AC Grinding Mills | 0773150553 | | |
772 | 94967 | Madurangi Dress Point | 0705644504 | madhuranganiwanigarathna@gmail.com | |
773 | 95097 | Anura Furniture | 0721283402 | itthushara168@gmail.com | |
774 | 95195 | Aaniver Products PVT LTD | 0706969971 | aaniverproducts@gmail.com | |
775 | 95323 | Candy Crush Sweets (Pvt) ltd | 0770633344 | ccsweets73@gmail.com | |
776 | 95449 | Sirisara Production | 0716919209 | ajithweerasinghawmr@gmail.com | |
777 | 95535 | Asiri Super Bake House | 0776064483 | chamindaudagamage@gmail.com | |
778 | 95672 | Gajamuthu Bake House Grinding mills | 0704039576 | gajamuthubakehouse.info@gmail.com | |
779 | 95828 | Asiri Spices | 0702025967 | rasikasanjeewani852@gmail.com | |
780 | 95957 | Minchi Products | 0712123601 | | |
781 | 96091 | Ulugala Organic farm & fertilizer (pvt) Ltd | 0572243440 | info@ulugalafarm.com | |
782 | 96223 | Gold Heart | 0770473304 | kasuneranga148@gmail.com | |
783 | 96353 | Rathnayake Tailors | 0713805037 | | |
784 | 96411 | Fatty Fingers | 0761844934 | | |
785 | 96500 | Suhada Fashion | 0763683601 | | |
786 | 96515 | NJ Marketing | 0789185680 | | |
787 | 96560 | Rabbe Ceylon (PVT) Ltd | +94785595206 | ramanayakesumith60@gmail.com | |
788 | 96697 | Mathara Bites | 0710312131 | ranganinanayakkara@gmail.com | |
789 | 96849 | Cake N Cherry | 0776660974 | nadewedmulla@gmail.com | |
790 | 96945 | New Welimada Vijaya Products | 0752404950 | Umekanayanathara925@gmail.com | |
791 | 97296 | SK Mill Products(PVT)Ltd | 0774846069 | skmillproducts@gmail.com | |
792 | 97503 | Saja Eco Food | 712361179 | | |
793 | 97591 | Odex Dress Making | 0715844229 | odexdress@gmail.com | |
794 | 97680 | A D N GARMENT | 0113478822 | adngarment76@gmail.com | |
795 | 97697 | Memora Tours | 0711536431 | memoratours@gmail.com | |
796 | 97745 | Shaa Jackets | 0772132969 | | |
797 | 97842 | Divine Foods & Beverages | 071-0400727 | shiromirenuka99@gmail.com | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076319501139&mibextid=ZbWKwL |
798 | 98009 | ARCCO | 0773727315 | Muhammathuasmith@gmail.com | |
799 | 98177 | Janatha Govi Samagama Kahaththewela Limited | 0777672838 | | |
800 | 98186 | Hiru Products | 0702029711 | chandimamadhavi4@gmail.com | |
801 | 98919 | Dinsara Rice mill | 0776245517 | lionelpremawardhana@gmail.com | |
802 | 99758 | Risa Hair Oil | 0779669897 | sopnas390@gmail.com | |
803 | 100872 | Madurasa Product | 0776656171 | | |
804 | 101054 | OD Bag Collection & OD Furnitures | 0719388940 | mandakini731@gmail.com | |
805 | 101511 | Chandhi Lanka | 0782670190 | maheshkumara98923@gmail.com | |
806 | 101639 | Sarathi Mushroom | 0715863359 | dharmagunawardhana71@gmail.com | |
807 | 101901 | Lanka Greenfull Industries | 0718562975 | greenfulllanka@gmail.com | |
808 | 102398 | Singha Lanka Kithul Nishpadana | +94776685515 | kithulsinghalanka@gmail.com | |
809 | 102674 | T & T Baby Products | | | |
810 | 102796 | New Pubudu Product | 0412 293 632 | pubudumilkproducts@gmail.com | |
811 | 103277 | The plate | 0707606070 | kanakafdo@gmail.com | |
812 | 103411 | Yantec Lanka (Pvt Ltd) | 0714717790 | y4s4nth4@gmail.com | |
813 | 103475 | Wijayantha coconut product | 041 22 93 808 | wijayanthaom4149@gmail.com | |
814 | 103597 | G.L.S. Industries | 03422333365 | stanees.marius@gmail.com | |
815 | 104461 | Kinro Food Products | 0772523525 | kinrofoodsproducts@gmail.com | |
816 | 104923 | Teemah biscuits Manufacture (Pvt) Ltd | +94768847788 | teemahbm@gmail.com | www.teemahbiscuits.com |
817 | 104933 | Rimaco Products | 0773663537 | rimacoplastic@gmail.com | |
818 | 104938 | Inagro Naturals Pvt Ltd | 0766413235 | sampathudayakumararp@gmail.com | |
819 | 105114 | Kalahe | 0773994046 | kalahespices@gmail.com | |
820 | 105533 | Gaman Paintings | 0704228316 | gamanpaintings@gmail.com | |
821 | 105913 | Time Fruit Products | 0777230892 | timepruitpr@gmail.com | |
822 | 105998 | Ceylon Bio Plus | 0768341795 | | |
823 | 106046 | Lassana.com (Pvt) Ltd | 0762001122 | info@lassana.com | https://lassana.com/ |
824 | 107739 | M.K.Kalyani Tailors | 0512244947 | | |
825 | 107863 | The Best Mount (Pvt) Ltd | 0764821649 | | |
826 | 107875 | M.K. Raj Tailors | 0771369756 | | |
827 | 108002 | Milliunique (Pvt) Ltd | 0741003998 | milliunique@gmail.com | |
828 | 108259 | Bodhith Craft | 0717717705 /0713713411 | anuradhahnba@gmail.com | |
829 | 108354 | ANU Craft | 0713749649 | | |
830 | 108407 | Med World Hospico (Pvt) Ltd. | 0112188866 | sales.medworldhospico@gmail.com | |
831 | 108493 | Debora Institute | 0714769693 | | |
832 | 108794 | TS product | 0702601941 | Tironvijitha94@gmail.com | |
833 | 108940 | Nika's Aari Embroidery | 0760080719 | nithushikam@gmail.com | |
834 | 109428 | Samren Holdings Company (Pvt.) Ltd. | 0342237900 | info@samrenholdings.com | https://samrenholdings.com/ |
835 | 109680 | Mahawely coco | 0776652573 | mahawelyexportlanka@gmail.com | |
836 | 109975 | Musky product | 0768003639 | mushkyproduct@gmail.com | |
837 | 110143 | MSS Products | 0715734669 | choolarathna75@gmail .com | |
838 | 110360 | Mezza Food Products (Pvt) Ltd. | 0777850187 | mezzafoodproducts@gmail.com | |
839 | 110735 | AGIR FASHION | 0714985637 | | |
840 | 110860 | Sahan products | 0714075184 | menikemenike9 @gmailcom | |
841 | 110981 | Yohan ceramic | 0716784152 | yohanruchira5@gmail.com | |
842 | 111127 | Smart Eco (pvt) LTD | 0773091713 | bandara78art gmail .com | |
843 | 111213 | Supuni Products | 0716812014 | | |
844 | 111298 | Chinthaka Sweets | 0764234771 | | |
845 | 111423 | Mp craft | 0714136048 | saliyarocket@ gmail.com | |
846 | 111752 | Singhe Products | 0765358600 | Singheproducts21465@gmail.com | |
847 | 111922 | CROWNSONS | 0112338045 | crownsonsco@gmail.com | https://www.tradeindia.com/crownsons-15798152/ |
848 | 112014 | UP Product | 0766248897 | | |
849 | 112023 | Sahan products | 0770038398 | Dmneela12@gmail.com | |
850 | 112032 | MMB Product | 0724036040 | | |
851 | 112046 | Hiru Visithuru | 0719685646 | | |
852 | 112050 | Champi Plast (Pvt) Ltd | 0772663929 | prabhathg9672@gmail.com | |
853 | 112083 | Jayani Products | 0760607848 | | |
854 | 112096 | ELES EMES ENTERPRISES (PVT) lTD., | 0112 534 798 | macronglitters@gmail.com | |
855 | 112124 | TEA HILLS BUNGALOW | 0772027766 | sales@teahillsbungslow.com | https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=httpwww.teahillsbungalow.com&h=AT16H0e8qcfqfv6iRwpriftDw0XFq6MookZgcsE6dtzPb7gRAsA1xqC5NyMIoY17vb06IilRM542PnAqW0qUYvXv3trQOiR9eqe1LWuqpJcPgrKHD7PYiyVB1sfKa8TBrJ9GwKuJGhgD9ayYtXABLg |
856 | 112131 | Ranbima Dairies | +94764671252 | ranbimadairies@gmail.com | |
857 | 112199 | Flamingo Creation | 076-4601951 | Flamingobatikceylon@gmail.com | |
858 | 112294 | Priya Home Made | 0773347280 | sameera.pushpakumari@gmail.com | |
859 | 112314 | FRESH FEED PVT LTD | 0775737969 | freshfeedlk@gmail.com | |
860 | 112324 | Kolbe t-shirts (Joshua Digitizing) | 0762929183 | kolbefashions@gmail.com | |
861 | 112367 | LAKRO PACKAGING INDUSTRIES (PVT)LTD | +94 773282851 | info.lakropack.com | www.lakropack.com |
862 | 112393 | Brito Leather Products | 0718450476 | brito.leathershoes@gmail.com | |
863 | 112402 | Macksol Paints | 0772779279 | macksolpaints@gmail.com | |
864 | 112407 | ZT IT Academy | 0772271325 | mumsafras@gmail.com | |
865 | 112416 | Henna by Nasly | 0759030192 | | |
866 | 112424 | Ultimate Digital Solutions (Pvt) Ltd | 0763060130 | info@appmarketing.lk | www.uds.lk |
867 | 112448 | MORRICH BAKER (PVT) LTD | 0777846678 | morrichbaker@gmail.com | |
868 | 112457 | Star Bake House | 0779944465 | kmmrifkhan1992@gmail.com | |
869 | 112472 | Alka Drinking Water (Pvt) Ltd. | 0779070667 | alkadw@gmail.com | https://alkawater.lk/ |
870 | 112483 | Orgalaser Cutting & Graphic Items Pvt. Ltd | 0714421095 | orgalaser@gmail.com | www.orgalaser.lk |
871 | 112495 | MN Picture Palace | 0772350304 | nmarsook123@gmail.com | |
872 | 112501 | Otelico (pvt) ltd | 0778204904 | | |
873 | 112508 | Ranuka Grinding Mills | 0715230781 | ranuka.psr@gmail.com | |
874 | 112583 | Diyanetha Art | 078 888 8014 | nrmuthugala@gmail.com | |
875 | 112635 | Aromatic Global (PVT) Ltd | 0112159733 | sampath@aromaticglobal.lk | aromaticglobal.lk |
876 | 112647 | SAMEERA PRODUCTS | 0754650657 | sameerademel9@gmail.com | |
877 | 112699 | Pilimathalawa Hela Kala | 0729741876 | | |
878 | 112790 | Creative Handmaid Accessories | 0769772109 | krishnamalisamarakoon4@gmail.com | |
879 | 112808 | Sandasiri Printers | 0773234848 | sandasiriholdings@gmail.com | |
880 | 112812 | KUBERAM OILS | 0765541234 | thesingus.s@gmail.com | |
881 | 112859 | Umair Rice Mill | 0758718776 | nilmykinniya@gmail.com | |
882 | 112867 | RDM RETREADING (Pvt) Ltd | 0773250803 | rdmretreading@yahoo.com | |
883 | 112876 | K A C Products | 0776132246 | | |
884 | 112901 | Dharmarathna Enterprises | 0779105382 | info@dharmarathnaenterprises.com | https://www.dharmarathnaenterprises.com/ |
885 | 112981 | Risna Products | 0756004252 | fasririsna@gmai.com | |
886 | 112990 | Ramsina Products | 0763465939 | rafi1983.rafee0326@gmail.com | |
887 | 113007 | YAPA Leather Shoe Mart | 0763810260 | yapanisha72@gmail.com | |
888 | 113025 | New Lanka Clothing Garment (Pvt) Ltd | 0760037716 | lanka.clothing2@gmail.com | |
889 | 113074 | New Jayalatha Oil Mills | 0715496007 | waklionel@gmail.com | |
890 | 113220 | Ariyarathna Oil Mils | 0759432705 | | |
891 | 113226 | Dinsaara Fashion | | | |
892 | 113238 | Eranga Rubber and Plastic Industries | 0777981039 | eranda1039@gmail.com | |
893 | 113334 | Shashini Bag centre | 0778211257 | jayasinghagamini1@gmail.com | |
894 | 113351 | Jaya Cake Shop | 0772850755 | | |
895 | 113398 | Highlight Garment Industries | 0713103360 | jagathrathnayaka605@gmail.com | |
896 | 113454 | Hilldate Retreat (Pvt) Ltd | 0522236365 | hilldaleretreat@gmail.com | www.hilldaleretreat.com |
897 | 113459 | NAVODYA ENGINEERING COMPANY (PVT) LTD | 0773087970 / 0912260528 | chandiwkc@gmail.com | www.navodyacoconutscraper.com |
898 | 113480 | BLACKPOOL COFFEE (PVT) LTD | 0772204499 | info@blackpoolcoffee.com | |
899 | 113501 | Sarilto retraders | 0775595149 | www.champikathushara2@gmail.com | |
900 | 113521 | Sithu rasa sweet house | 0772701877 | lranjith691@gmail.com | |
901 | 113525 | New Sigiri Furniture | 0727713071 | | |
902 | 113543 | Chandana Printers | 033-2231046 | chandanakolonne@gmail.com | |
903 | 113569 | Lahiru Engineering (Pvt) Ltd | 0332287454 | lahirueng@gmail.com | https://lahiruengineering.lk/ |
904 | 113635 | Mithu Products (Pvt )Ltd | 758518059 | marappanpunitha@8gmail.com | |
905 | 113640 | Orgalaser Hologram PVT. LTD. | 0719471408 | orgalaser.hologram@gmail.com | www.orgalaser.lk |
906 | 113777 | Ja - Ela Ragama Hospitals (PVT) LTD | 077-3419425 | ragamahospitals@gmail.com | |
907 | 113790 | Shine Master Solutions | 0767037219 | Sales.sms@gmail.com | |
908 | 113795 | LAKSHIKA FASHION GARMENT | 071-2749144 | luxmen1973@gmail.com | |
909 | 113805 | Syneptic Labs (Private) Limited | 0113503505 | contact@synepticlabs.com | www.synepticlabs.com |
910 | 113830 | ZITARO | 0760712007 | zitaroholdings@gmail.com | www.zitaroholdings.lk |
911 | 113838 | Sunmech Engineering Solutions(PVT)LTD | 076-8338803 | sunmecinfo@gmail.com | www.sunmech.lk |
912 | 113856 | Ran Lanka Engineering (pvt) Ltd | 0776304135 | ranlankamachines@gmail.com | ranlankamachine.lk |
913 | 113875 | Shiromi Products | | | |
914 | 113886 | Stylish Handmade / Stylish Resin Art Acedemy | | | |
915 | 113898 | Code Surge | +94 (74) 111 0002 | info@codesurge.global | https://codesurge.global |
916 | 113910 | Shamika Industries | 0705902636 | | |
917 | 113913 | Chamuditha Products | 0717305346 | chamuditha1@gmail.com | |
918 | 113930 | Art Tec Wood Lanka | 0766272796 | | |
919 | 113940 | Geethani Rice Mill | 0775161138 | kbsaman29@gmail.com | |
920 | 113957 | PG Fashion | | | |
921 | 113968 | Royal Green Holdings (Private) Limited | 0701700266 | royalgreenhd@gmail.com | |
922 | 113973 | Unic Cement Products | 0773855205 | | |
923 | 113990 | Senu`s Yummy Sweets - Maradankadawala | 0715885834 | imashasewwandi718@gmail.com | |
924 | 113995 | Pubudu Products | 0714423268 | pubuduproductswalapane@gmail.com | |
925 | 114007 | Deeshan Products | 0771602979 | | |
926 | 114027 | New Laksalu Garment | 0702686769 | | |
927 | 114044 | THANU Fashion | 0755151031 | | |
928 | 114068 | Jayarathna Care Centre | 0776207820 | | |
929 | 114080 | Menaka Textiles | 0770872603 | | |
930 | 114091 | 3 SHAA Fashion | 0701014635 | | |
931 | 114103 | KAVI Fashion | 0759729592 | | |
932 | 114112 | Kalyani Tailors | 0724966041 | | |
933 | 114184 | Richme Foods & Daires Pvt Ltd | 0718286755 | richmedairies.plc@gmail.com | |
934 | 114221 | Sinharaja Forest Edge | 0710714444 | | |
935 | 114228 | Hiran Product | 0782354045 | | |
936 | 114239 | greenline | 0711288690 | | |
937 | 114253 | Kasun Product | 0715880122 | | |
938 | 114262 | E Cow Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing (pvt) LTD | 0712653704 | arunapjayasooriya@gmail.com | |
939 | 114271 | Indrakeela Rasa | 0773399476 | indrakeelasweets@gmail.com | |
940 | 114283 | Dynamic Engineering Services | 0778519237 | engineeringdynamic07@gmail.com | |
941 | 114394 | HEKAS COCO PRODUCTS | 0775780226 | susanthadinusha5567@gmail.com | |
942 | 114406 | New pubudu picture palace | 0382236350 | silvamalkanthi28@gmail.com | |
943 | 114667 | Suresh Suppliers | 0717289106 | sureshsuppliers@gmail.com | |
944 | 114750 | Midigama Home Stay | 077 363 5778 | | |
945 | 114772 | P.E.K. Fashion | 0712230813 | amarasingha.ps@gmail.com | |
946 | 114781 | Royalway Cosmatic (Pvt) Ltd | 0743065367 | royalway.cosmatic@gmail.com | |
947 | 114803 | Srilak Products | 0763911622 | priyankawickramarathna270@gmail.com | |
948 | 114823 | Dineth Kokis and Bite Products | 0769445294 | kusalhasaranga666@gmail.com | |
949 | 114851 | Golden Bird Bakers & Confectionery (Pvt) Ltd | 011-2297432 | goldenbirdacc@gmail.com | |
950 | 114856 | SL Products | 0770055928 | | |
951 | 114875 | G.R.N.Bathik | 0766055902 | | |
952 | 114895 | Mathota Ambula | 0772216196 | | |
953 | 114912 | Addid Holding | 0715311202 | | |
954 | 114929 | Hexseas Engineering (Pvt) Ltd | 0768968797 | hexseasengineering@gmail.com | www.hexseas.lk |
955 | 115306 | Inupa Jewelcrafts | 0912238577 | inupajc@gmail.com | |
956 | 115392 | Dilini Products(pvt)Ltd | 0743758131 | | |
957 | 115451 | Sanjana Ice Factory | 0777414848 | sanjanaicefactory@gmail.com | www.sanjanaicefactory.lk |
958 | 115533 | JT Marketing | 0766929307 | thishuladarshan@gmail.com | |
959 | 115536 | Rameera Lanka | 0710590674 | rameeralanka@gmail.com | |
960 | 115549 | Orin Tailors And Bathik | 0775546130 | nirmaliaberathna1976@gmail.com | |
961 | 115670 | shine graphic auto looks | 0777717046 | | |
962 | 115737 | Panthilu Consumer (pvt) Ltd | 0767025965 | panthilu@gmail.com | No |
963 | 115757 | Ceylon Blue lotus Farm (Pvt) Ltd. | 0719672033 | ceylonbluelotusfarm@gmail.com | |
964 | 116087 | BELIZZISTYLE | 0763664287 | tharujayanetti035@gmail.com | |
965 | 116223 | Zara Coco Products | 0775055218 | menakajayamali@gmail.com | |
966 | 116241 | Design One Furniture | 0777734396 | thisarashalinda@gmail.com | |
967 | 116245 | Orix Marketing (Private) Limited | 0773774244 | info@orixmarketing.lk | https://www.orixmarketing.lk |
968 | 116251 | Madushan Hardware | 0776223858 | imeshaumayangani79@gmail.com | |
969 | 116254 | Mythree Hardline | 0773827426 | rosiknh@gmail.com | |
970 | 116257 | Thushara Rice Mill & Grinding | 071-4242750 | sricbiman@gmail.com | |
971 | 116260 | Noove Fashion | 077-6003474 | vnuwanthi2023@gmail.com | |
972 | 116263 | Ceylon Tango Coconut (pvt) ltd | 071-9299580 | saradawijesinghe@gmail.com | |
973 | 116266 | Jayarathan Lanka Coco Products | 0777-888576 | jlankacocoproducts@gmail.com | |
974 | 116272 | High Quality Brass and Metal Industries | 0770421755 | | |
975 | 116275 | Lanka Kade Exports Pvt Ltd | 0716852945 | | |
976 | 116277 | DE Lanka | 077-6682259 | rdjmadushanka@gmail.com | |
977 | 116281 | Neeranga Natural Products | 0779861313 | adkpadmakumari@gmail.com | |
978 | 116284 | Kethmi Agro | 0777-170770 | amilagroupanamaduwa@gmail.com | |
979 | 116287 | AS agri Exports (pvt) Ltd | 032-4650202 | chathu@asagriexports.lk | |
980 | 116290 | CA Farm | 077-2839806 | chinthakakumarasinghe@gmail.com | |
981 | 116293 | Malaka Coconut & Agro Business (Pvt) Ltd | 0777-310356 | rarathnayakemalaka@gmail.com | |
982 | 116299 | Iceman Technologies (Pvt) Ltd | +94 112 239444 | info.technologies@icemanlk.com | https://www.icemanlk.com/ |
983 | 116304 | Proboda Grinding Mills | 077-6318167 | hkarandeniya@gmail.com | |
984 | 116320 | Chami Net | 0789320049 | shangaya72@gmail.com | |
985 | 116338 | Ganegoda Farm | 0767804847 | rohanpradeep1@icloud.com | |
986 | 116341 | Mr.Egg Farm House | 077-7312702 | dishan.44@gmail.com | |
987 | 116344 | Ceylon Coco Products | 0773469625 | ceylonvigincoco@gmail.com | |
988 | 116347 | Sirini Auto Service Station (PVT)LTD | 0727255215 | wickramarathnejayasiri@gmail.com | |
989 | 116357 | Denim Apparel | 773278935 | | |
990 | 116367 | Hiroshi Import Company | 0777-240197 | flyingwish@yahoo.com | |
991 | 116372 | Suneth Products | 076-5653933 | sudeshkanchana@gmail.com | |
992 | 116381 | Aruna Nishpadana | 775624171 | | |
993 | 116387 | Hettiarachchi Pol Wayaparikayo | 077-2018450 | mum.madushani@gmail.com | |
994 | 116390 | Safe Solutions (Pvt) Ltd | 076 0958125 | fernandosupun38@gmail.com | |
995 | 116565 | Dinadhi Paniya Jalaya | 702050055 | | |
996 | 116569 | Sirisanda Foods Production | 071-2926715 | sirisandafoodproduction@gmail.com | |
997 | 116580 | Ceylon Sarusara Eco Foods (PVT) Ltd | 0777-178345 | sarusarabiz@gmail.com | |
998 | 116584 | S.T.K ENGINEERS | 0777395843 | stktubewell@gmail.com | |
999 | 116591 | Lanwa Sanstha Cement Corporation (PVT) Ltd | 0704308973 | paramie@ceylonsteel.com | www.lanwacement.com |
1000 | 116608 | Rasadeepa Family Products | 0772659838 | manjulakangana138@gmail.com | |
1001 | 116612 | Twiins | 0777188880 | hazenterprisespvtltd@gmail.com | http://www.twiins.lk/ |
1002 | 116623 | Suji's Cake | 0756062094 | maharoofzaeem@gmail,com | |
1003 | 116630 | Bogahahen Tea Factory | 716609684 | | |
1004 | 117266 | Thevidu Enterprises | 0776113473 | damsiththevidu930@gmail.com | |
1005 | 117325 | Dinu Lion Engineering | 0777145004 | dinulion1980@gmail.com | |
1006 | 117374 | Greenway Bathik | 765592395 | | |
1007 | 117394 | SAM Products (Pvt) Ltd | 0714761920 | samnimal@gmail.com | |
1008 | 117404 | FHA Fashion & Saloon | 0766350523 | | |
1009 | 117414 | S.M.U.N. Bags | 0760044898 | | |
1010 | 117433 | PATHMA Batik | 0719505301 | | |
1011 | 117450 | Royal Wattles and Ceylon Tea | 0715333127 | royalwattlesnuwaraeliya@gmail.com | |
1012 | 117456 | Needle And Hanger | 0777138036 | | |
1013 | 117461 | HS Agro Exports (Pvt) Ltd | +94 775202504 | info@hsagroexports.com | www.hsagroexports.com |
1014 | 117469 | FABEXPVT | 0718389846 | Fabexsports2@gmail.com | Fabex. Lk |
1015 | 117481 | GOOD IT (pvt) Ltd | 0702667788 | gooditemp1@gmail.com | http://printrest.lk/ |
1016 | 117614 | Chalani Farm | 076-5616445 | gynslv@gmail.com | |
1017 | 117619 | CDM Dairy Farm | 0742726513 | abesinghe7556@gmail.com | |
1018 | 117623 | Nilmini Rice Mill | 0776613013 | nilminiricemill@gmail.com | |
1019 | 117629 | LSP Natural Food Products (pvt) Limited | 0773160138 | chairman@limrococo.com | |
1020 | 117633 | Dangolla Rice Products (Pvt) Ltd | 0769400669 | dangollariceproduct@gmail.com | |
1021 | 117637 | Sadaruwan Rice | 071-7716700 | samindasonic@gmail.com | |
1022 | 117641 | Piyal Rice Mill | 077-4242803 | piyalanoma@gmail.com | |
1023 | 117645 | Dhananjaya Rice Mill | 0777-416037 | dilshauimantha@icloud.com | |
1024 | 117653 | Sujeewa Tailors | 0715138519 | indralatha000@gmail.com | |
1025 | 117698 | Waduragala Rice Mill | 0715576449 | sadaruwasadeera@gmail.com | |
1026 | 117702 | Nadun Rice Mill | 077-8273200 | ranjimill01@gmail.com | |
1027 | 117711 | Sirilak Technologies | 0779316908 | Sadaruwansadaruwan530@gmail.com | |
1028 | 117722 | Priyankara Rice Mill | 077-6277531 | priyankararanasinghe@gmail.com | |
1029 | 117726 | Coco Vilage Hotel | 0777-173862 | cocovilagehotel@gmail.com | |
1030 | 117730 | Kavshalya Oil Mil | 072-7733781 | wijesinghekosul@gmail.com | |
1031 | 117733 | Jayabima Rice Mill | | | |
1032 | 117737 | Shenal Rice Mill | 071-4036310 | weerasirisamantha@gmail.com | |
1033 | 117746 | Sirisara Rice Mill | 0773616951 | | |
1034 | 117750 | Sathkara Coir Products | 07733985350 | chandimal.ual@gmail.com | |
1035 | 117754 | Jayamini Rice Mill | 077-0027759 | easamantha60@gmail.com | |
1036 | 117764 | Neelagiri Smart Fashion | 0760876325 | madhushaninadeeprabha@gmail.com | |
1037 | 117810 | Ran Rice Mills | 0773177336 | ranricemills@gmail.com | |
1038 | 117840 | Sun Flower Creation | 0776905871 | sunflowerscreations.2022@gmail.com | |
1039 | 117914 | Kaweesha Rice Mill | 077-4420302 | prabathchandaaberathna@gmail.com | |
1040 | 117918 | Naturs Beemaa (pvt) Ltd | 0775888898 | naturesbeema@gmail.com | |
1041 | 117922 | Muthu Farm | 0760490307 | chandrikamuthufarm983@gmail.com | |
1042 | 117926 | Wide Scope (Pvt) Ltd | 076-6796356 | pathiraja.widescope@gmail.com | |
1043 | 117936 | Lahiru Roofing (Pvt) Ltd | 0712949344 | lahiruroofing@gmail.com | |
1044 | 117942 | Nayomis | 0716862102 | finance@nayomis.com | |
1045 | 117947 | Samaraweera Oil Mill | 0773548767 | chathurangasamaraweera283@gmail.com | |
1046 | 117962 | FDRS Foods Production | 0774797002 | fdhatim@gmailcom | |
1047 | 117983 | Poornima Apperal & Creation | 0716115802 | poornimaaperal77@gmail.com | |
1048 | 117988 | Nishan motors | | | |
1049 | 117994 | Induwara rice mill | 0705709754 | induwarathilaka@gmail.com | |
1050 | 118002 | W. Thomas & Sons | 0114387430 | wthomasandsons@gmail.com | https://wthomasandsons.com/ |
1051 | 118007 | Greenurs Luck (PVT) Ltd | 0788262114 | lamalirathnayake1126@gmail.com | |
1052 | 118025 | Rubasinghe Products | 0776427391 | rubasingheproducts20@gmail.com | |
1053 | 118029 | Senu | 0703207681 | gangapriya@gmail.com | |
1054 | 118041 | Lazer Aquarium | 0716771633 | manoj.asanka88@gmail.com | |
1055 | 118046 | Tamasha Aqua Service (pvt) Ltd | 0777-569635 | ts200200@gmail.com | |
1056 | 118056 | Upali Rice Mill | 0712590185 | sadevehansana2@gmail.com | |
1057 | 118065 | Randula Rice Mill | 077-2546287 | ariyasinghe751125@gmail.com | |
1058 | 118075 | Rasindu Rice Mill | 077-4122475 | nansinavoduya@gmail.com | |
1059 | 118079 | Gunawardana Rice Mill | 077-6703944 | deepthiherath21@gmail.com | |
1060 | 118084 | RMC Rice Mill | 071-6114734 | chamalsuranga0517@gmail.com | |
1061 | 118089 | Singhe Rice | 071-6594735 | singhesahal@gmail.com | |
1062 | 118094 | Sampath Sahal | 0777-009640 | sampathrice73@gmail.com | |
1063 | 118099 | Kirigedara Rice Mill | 0713437105 | abhayakeerthikumarasinghe@gmail.com | |
1064 | 118104 | Sathya Beby Rice Mill | 071-2310514 | mkbheratv1969@gmail.com | |
1065 | 118154 | Pura Sadha Brass | 0720389177 | menukadamayanthi461@gmail.com | |
1066 | 118167 | Ezra Foods | 0778089918 | mjayasooriya47@gmail.com | |
1067 | 118214 | Lanka Trims Manufacturing (Pvt) Ltd. | 0382294752 | wills@lankatrims.lk | |
1068 | 118219 | MRM Cashew Products | 0778998081 | raveenr88@gmail.com | |
1069 | 118221 | Vinu Fashion | 0758165242 | kavindyasathsarani@gmail.com | |
1070 | 118224 | N I Fashion (Pvt) Ltd | 0762852838 | npbnilantha@gmail.com | |
1071 | 118234 | Badalkumbura Cement Design | 0713735050 | info@bcdonline.lk | |
1072 | 118247 | Sahan Craft | 0714407130 | wasanthajayasekara@gmail.com | |
1073 | 118256 | Run Pack Marcketing | 0766090588 | runpackmarcketing@gmail.com | |
1074 | 118265 | Safe Food And Diary (PVT)LTD | 0711970123 | safefoodanddairy@gmail.com | |
1075 | 118269 | Business Girl | 0702266311 | | |
1076 | 118275 | Black Unic Garment | 0703329982 | blackunicviji@gmail.com | |
1077 | 118279 | Charuka Grinding Mill | 0715135496 | upalih443@gmail.com | |
1078 | 118283 | Spizera Products | 0716105763 | infospizera@gmail.com | |
1079 | 118290 | Wishwa Sweets Foods | 0788625271 | | |
1080 | 118294 | Ceramic Art Yakkala | 077-7878104 | priya0777878104@gmail.com | |
1081 | 118314 | Ariyans Holding (PVT) LTD | 0552265779 | rohithaariyarathne64@gmail.com | |
1082 | 118327 | Priyantha Cushion Works | 0773050502 | priyanthagunathilaka741@gmail.com | |
1083 | 118506 | NBB Products | 0770460745 | nbbpruducts@gmail.com | |
1084 | 118513 | Rainbo Trading (pvt) Ltd | | | |
1085 | 118522 | DC Fashion | 0764664634 | dcfashion2021sl@gmail.com | |
1086 | 118554 | Hill Town Cottage | 777416226 | hilltowncottage@gmail.com | |
1087 | 118562 | Greenglo | 0762579496 | Greenglodehydratedfoods@gmail.com | |
1088 | 118586 | MUTHU SAREE | 0760121748 | muthusaree26@gmail.com | |
1089 | 118604 | Reliance Enterprises | 778244488 | relianceenterprises@gmail.com | |
1090 | 118614 | Shadeeka Work Shop | 0718974975 | amalkadhananjaya@gmail.com | |
1091 | 118628 | Guruge Rice Mill | 0776682808 | sunilguruge69@gmail.com | |
1092 | 118638 | HB Products | 0715106548 | buddikaranga80@gmail.com | |
1093 | 118657 | Seya Mosquito Net & Bag Production | 721114755 | damayanthidilrukshika@80gmail.com | |
1094 | 118661 | S.N.T. Enterprises | 0777786296 | sntenterprises25@gmail.com | |
1095 | 118669 | Nayana Prabath Handicrafts | 0779408204 | | |
1096 | 118673 | Lakgala Products | 0703144553 | | |
1097 | 118694 | Srimali Marketing Product | 0777906706 | srimalimarketing@gmail.com | |
1098 | 118790 | D.S. Engineering & Sons (Pvt.) Ltd. | 0773413377 | ssalwathura@gmail.com | https://dsengineering.lk/ |
1099 | 118846 | SK Agro (PVT) Ltd | 0702458969 | al.ranathunga@gmail.com | www.sirikathaindustries.com |
1100 | 118856 | Ama Yuru Product | 753782275 | anoma96@gmail.com | |
1101 | 118881 | Apolo Industries | 0771892898 | apoloindmarketing@gmail.com | |
1102 | 118901 | Simedro Pharmaceutical Ceylon (PVT) Ltd | 0715367467 | simedropharmaceuticial@gmail.com | |
1103 | 118905 | Beautonic Herbs Lanka (pvt) Ltd | 0707757775 | beautonicherbslanka@gmail.com | |
1104 | 119002 | Pahasarani Plant Nursery | 0722555603 | samanpradeep1000@gmail.com | |
1105 | 119017 | Forbes & Walker Fine Foods (Pvt.) Ltd | 0777767222, 0766825239,0712445930,0777747613 | marketing@forbeswalker.com, ftd@forbeswalker.com, lakshman@forbeswalker.com, shardha@forbeswalker.com | www.forbeswalker.com |
1106 | 119023 | Lakview Laminating ( PVT ) Ltd | 0776875515 | lakviewlaminating@gmail.com | |
1107 | 119031 | THILAKA HANDICRAFTS | 0742939010 | | |
1108 | 119044 | Ceylon Health Remedies (Pvt) Ltd. | | | |
1109 | 119071 | B&D Engineering Pvt Ltd | 0778319754 | thusithab541@gmail.com | |
1110 | 119079 | Disna Food Product | 0783679623 | senarathpriyantha540@gmail.com | |
1111 | 119084 | Sincer | 0750110101 | safeercms4@gmail.com | |
1112 | 119086 | Rathna Spice Marketing Pvt Ltd | 0779744870 | | |
1113 | 119094 | Amazen Advertising and Marketing (Pvt) Ltd. | 0777001770 | amazennud.lk@gmail.com | |
1114 | 119115 | Lanka Tech Engineering Works | +19365004749 | lankatech@yahoo.com | www.lankatechengineering.lk |
1115 | 119134 | JAYASIRI IRON WORKS | 0760885505 | susilwijekoon083@gmail.com | |
1116 | 119182 | Adhikari Grinding Mills | 0772993228 | nibhashaniasathika@gmail.com | |
1117 | 119191 | Dhanul Timber Mills and Wood Shop | 0763372883 | tharumandira766@gmail.com | |
1118 | 119239 | AID Food Products (pvt) ltd | 0764199300 | aidfoodproducts@gmail.com | |
1119 | 119428 | Milma General Trading (Pvt) Ltd | +94774115759 | info@milma.lk | www.milma.lk |
1120 | 119487 | NA Coir Product | 0719096229 | nacoirpr@gmail.com | |
1121 | 119494 | Kalani Products | | lksamant@gmail.com | |
1122 | 119497 | HIBRO FEED | 0760016807 | | |
1123 | 119523 | Solid Graphic | 0713555474 | solid-graphic@yahoo.com | https://www.solidgraphic.lk/En/ |
1124 | 119841 | Gamage Advertising & Communication | 0713181000 | gamageadss@gmail.com | |
1125 | 119850 | keyoshan | 0712300700 | kiyoshan.cp2@gmail.com | |
1126 | 119931 | Mihijaya Lanka | 0775798118 | muthuchandickm@gmail.com | |
1127 | 119940 | Rasora Spices | 0776020730 | pradeepwatagala@gmail.com | |
1128 | 119959 | CHAN RICH FRUITS (PVT) LTD | 0777124105 | chandanachanrich.lk@gmail.com | |
1129 | 119964 | Beston Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd | 070 222 3922 | bestonenterprises1985@gmail.com | www.bestonspices.com |
1130 | 120013 | Jesinco Steel Furniture PVT ltd | 0112408902 | jesincosteelfurniture1@gmail.com | www.jesinco.lk |
1131 | 120022 | Parindya Product | 0712085912 | parindyaproduct09@gmail.com | |
1132 | 120035 | Susee Products | 0717615512 | newsusiproducts@gmail.com | |
1133 | 120047 | Sandun Rice Mill | 0777383865 | | |
1134 | 120191 | Sewana Lanka | 0716671212 | sewanalanka@gmail.com | |
1135 | 120255 | Neth Digital Studio | 0704074075 | sampathrajapakshe81@gmail.com | www.facebook.com/neth.foto |
1136 | 120268 | Smart Food Products | 0779506100 | smartfoodp@gmail.com | |
1137 | 120413 | Sampath Grinding Mills | 0778115681 | khchaminda123@gmail.com | |
1138 | 120457 | CMB Suppliers & Transport Service | 0762979807 | | |
1139 | 120471 | Linu design & Fashion | 0774710680 | kanchanakrishanthi45@gmail.com | |
1140 | 120483 | Thirathma Garments (Pvt) Ltd | 775030989 | thirathmagarments@gmail.com | |
1141 | 120493 | S.S.Ceramic | 0767060703 | | |
1142 | 120504 | Macna Garment | 0771122278 | macnaguna0804@gmail.com | |
1143 | 120522 | Lexico Enterprises (Pvt) ltd | 0773285953 | | |
1144 | 120535 | Ranliya Grinding Mills | 0772099057 | tdasrilanka@gmail.com | |
1145 | 120548 | Aqualife Waters (pvt) Ltd | 0377600700 | aqualifelk@gmail.com | https://www.facebook.com/AqualifeWaterscompany/ |
1146 | 120561 | Jayathissa Metal Crusher | 077-6993331 | jayathissaconstructions@gmail.com | |
1147 | 120580 | Pabara Fashion | 764717511 | pabarafashion775@gmail.com | |
1148 | 120585 | Shashika Construction | 0705902636 | | |
1149 | 120587 | RANJITH BAKE HOUSE | 0777374107 | | |
1150 | 120598 | Akalanka Product International (Pvt) Ltd. | 0714171436 | akalanka.product@gmail.com | |
1151 | 120603 | A & DINU FOOD PRODUCTION | 0767150039 | | |
1152 | 120975 | Cosuk Lanka | 0714943353 | Cosuki.lankacoir@gmail | www.cosuklanka.com |
1153 | 120977 | RGC GLOBAL GROUP | 0715669747 | | |
1154 | 120981 | SAWSIRI ENTERPRISE | 0750148148 | | |
1155 | 120994 | MAHADENIYA MILLS | 0715206027 | mahadeniyamills1986@gmail.com | |
1156 | 121008 | R.W. Fashion | 0779942900 | | |
1157 | 121028 | River View Wathsala Inn | 0777299506 | avishkagweerathunga@gmail.com | |
1158 | 121032 | SAM'S FOOD PRODUCTS | 0772011752 | | |
1159 | 121048 | NB PRODUCTS | 0775592404 | | |
1160 | 121050 | GAINDU PLASTICS | 0766796364 | | |
1161 | 121052 | ADG | 0717734364 | | |
1162 | 121054 | INDIKA CONSTRUCTIONS & SUPPLIERS PVT LTD | 0772944973 | | |
1163 | 121056 | DJ INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD | 0773173217 | | |
1164 | 121058 | MALMASSA PRODUCTS | 0718929912 | | |
1165 | 121064 | KG&GK Products | | niranjalarathnayaka1984@gmail.com | |
1166 | 121189 | RATHNAYAKE ENGINEER | 0714681591 | | |
1167 | 121191 | DINULANKA ENTERPRISES | 0717593149 | | |
1168 | 121203 | Manko Security (Pvt) Ltd | 0112890352 | info@mankosecurity.com | https://mankosecurity.com/ |
1169 | 121273 | ISH Agri Products | 076-5434978 | nelummadurasingha@gmail.com | |
1170 | 121280 | Super saloon | 712500201 | supersaloondevinuwara@gmail.com | |
1171 | 121299 | Revon Lanka(Pvt)Ltd | 0772955497 | yimrishad.group@gmail.com | |
1172 | 121304 | NNT Cake Decoration | 0753423227 | thirumagalnavaredanm | |
1173 | 121319 | Aklan Aklan Engineering Work | 0717064612 | welgamagedw@gmail.com | |
1174 | 121341 | Jalee Colours - Handloom Saree Wearing Center | 0711112285 | udeni2006@gmail.com | |
1175 | 121347 | Chanuli Furniture @ Gift House | 0770069341 | inokmadusanka@gmail.com | |
1176 | 121378 | Davith Rice Mill | 0769274250 | | |
1177 | 121428 | Manju Stores | 0740050830 | | |
1178 | 121443 | Ama Creations | 0552220044 | rmsmgunasekara@gmail.com | |
1179 | 121454 | Chandrika Dress Point | 0701863871 | | |
1180 | 121465 | Devolaps | 0783297807 | | |
1181 | 121601 | DSR products | 0706307016 | sunimalchaminda231@gmail.com | |
1182 | 121746 | Supun Products | 0770410490 | badullasupun.product@gmail.com | |
1183 | 121805 | VKUM Exports | 0705577700 | Vkumexports@gmail.com | |
1184 | 121811 | Amethyst | 0718924511 | mayurapo2@gmail.com | |
1185 | 121836 | Dubai Fashion Tailoring | 0752137929 | dubaifashoin189@gmail.com | |
1186 | 121907 | Kumari Food Service | 0712462126 | manjuladilusha1234@gmail.com | |
1187 | 121963 | SONNS TRADING COMPANY | 0756462275 | sonnstrading@gmail.com | |
1188 | 122007 | Gayantha products | 0713934229 | | |
1189 | 122032 | Risith Concrete Works | 057-2050951 | janakachandanarathna@gmail.com | |
1190 | 122053 | New Sigiri Picture Palace | 0760981531 | nmsdilhan@gmail.com | |
1191 | 122065 | SiHiNee Fashion | 0701311411 | | |
1192 | 122185 | Topas Resturant | 0717000161 | piyathissabandara@gmail.com | |
1193 | 122206 | Dinesha Products | 0740740845 | wdajithkumarasingha@gmail.com | |
1194 | 122214 | Apix Enterprises | 0776259040 | apixruwan1@gmail.com | |
1195 | 122228 | E AND S GARMENT | 0707652650 | erajwickramasinghe69@gmail.com | |
1196 | 122253 | Susi Products | 0770578787 | vinotharanmurugaiya@gmail.com | |
1197 | 122313 | Chamath Products | 0786777997 | | |
1198 | 122360 | Gethmi Bag Center | | | |
1199 | 122362 | Vithushika Palmira Products | 0773147265 | | |
1200 | 122397 | New RB Rice Mill | 0272248364 | rbricemill2@gmail.com | |
1201 | 122408 | Beauty Shizen (Pvt)Ltd | 0766202826 | beautyshizenlk@gmail.com | |
1202 | 122418 | Tharindu Bakery | 0775638876 | | |
1203 | 122472 | Dipakala Piththala Banda | | | |
1204 | 122537 | Uve Eagle Confectioneries | 0778406366 | uveeagleproductions@gmail.com | |
1205 | 122550 | Regale Nescafe Machine Renting | 714236068 | krishni.eranga@gmail.com | |
1206 | 122615 | Liyo Saloon | 0770197083 | gayumirajapaksha112@gmail.com | |
1207 | 122699 | Salon Kalpani | 0711107425 | | |
1208 | 122869 | Yasiru Product | 0765430822 | | |
1209 | 122969 | Sara Tasty Cakes | 0776765773 | | |
1210 | 123329 | S Farm | 0771633577 | shirantha.rathnayaka@icloud.com | |
1211 | 123458 | Aruna Sahal | 07763334552 | arunab19830804@gmail.com | |
1212 | 123466 | Amma Product | 0721515687 | | |
1213 | 123556 | CloudLK | 0705744157 | nipun0478@gmail.com | |
1214 | 123600 | Wonder Land Export Supplier | 722449670 | | |
1215 | 123671 | Rankata Soap Products | 0767164011 | thilakhealth@gmail.com | |
1216 | 123875 | ASM Group | 0777514464 | | |
1217 | 123932 | New Prasanna Rice mill | 0719632122 | krishanmadusanka@5gmail.com | |
1218 | 123940 | Rajapaksha Hotel | 071-3201674 | harshifdo98@gmail.com | |
1219 | 124013 | Cute Lady bags and Accessories | 0772852415 | asanginayomi12@gmail.com | |
1220 | 124026 | DCH Foot wear | 770468161 | | |
1221 | 124075 | Fifi Footwear | 0707914122 | sajusanjeewa@gmail.com | |
1222 | 124551 | Lindulla Chicken Farm | 777646412 | | |
1223 | 124673 | Paboda Tailoring | 754149793 | | |
1224 | 124736 | Hotel Grand Turf | 0522222711 | hotelgrandturf@gmail.com | www.hotelgrandturf.com |
1225 | 124784 | Sri Yoshitha Dairy Products | 0778177420 | lalithgangoda@gmail.com | |
1226 | 124795 | NAVINDU APPARELS | 0773436242 | | |
1227 | 124797 | Best Products | 0724467772 | bestmushroom3@gmail.com | |
1228 | 124999 | Agri Star Compost (Pvt) Ltd | 0777769602 | agristarcompost@gmail.com | |
1229 | 125020 | Janaka Natural Food | 0765472589 | Janaka.food@gmail.com | |
1231 | 125300 | Jayasuwa Herbals | 0774331135 | ranjithlal678@gmail.com | |
1232 | 125363 | F.R Products | 075 585 2232 | | |
1233 | 125380 | Fryneur (pvt) Ltd | | | |
1234 | 125390 | STEPPY SANDALS | | | |
1235 | 125401 | Hiru Food Product (Pvt) Ltd | 0777779667 | | |
1236 | 125406 | B & M Chocolate Biscuit Pudding | 0762455672 | buddika.indrajith1@gmail.com | |
1237 | 125425 | Stylish Bathik & Design | 0716036097 | | |
1238 | 125485 | DREAM HOME | 0775535232 | dreamhomeceylon@gmail.com | |
1239 | 125889 | JOYFUL PRODUCTS | 0721416657 | | |
1240 | 125900 | Flexus Pharma (Pvt)Ltd | 0094772310757 | pushparns1@gmail.com | www.flexuspharma.com |
1241 | 125989 | Saman Tyre House | | | |
1242 | 125997 | Mangalapathy Ayurveda Pvt Ltd | 0777413397 | mangalapathyayurveda@gmail.com | Mangalapathy Ayurveda |
1243 | 126008 | ALFA MANUFACTURER & DISTRIBUTOR | 0713154155 | | |
1244 | 126012 | Bio Innovate (pvt) Ltd | 0112412851 | info@bioinnovate.co | |
1245 | 126458 | Sunny and Sons Rice Mill | 0763470303 | sunnyandsonsconstruction@gmail.com | |
1246 | 126719 | Yummy Products | 0752540024 | Chanakaattanayaka1@gmail.com | |
1247 | 126838 | Oreta Hi-Tech Windows (PVT)LTD | 0112969959 | sales.oretawindows@gmail.com | |
1248 | 127257 | Rosebaan | 0714884830 | | |
1249 | 127404 | Sunco Electronics | 0701808088 | | |
1250 | 127577 | New Food Center | | | |
1251 | 127603 | Sano's Mehandi | 0754865345 | sanoparahza93@gmail.com | |
1252 | 127610 | Ali Rice Mill | 0772267839 | alihaalmill@gmail.com | |
1253 | 127673 | MTM COMPANY | 0757520475 | | |
1254 | 127768 | STS PRODUCTS | 0774560579 | sts.products.com@gmail.com | |
1255 | 127850 | Jagath Food Products | 0702110221 | jagathfoodproducts@gmail.com | |
1256 | 127859 | R M MOTOR WORKS (PVT) LTD | +94777373456 | | |
1257 | 127876 | Rct Bag Center | 0741361329 | wikramasingharenuka@gmail.com | |
1258 | 127888 | Chandana Rice Factory | 0773375555 | sudeera01@yahool.com | |
1259 | 127901 | Sunrose Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | 0773145820 | sunroselanka@gmail.com | https://sunroselanka.lk/ |
1260 | 127913 | Chandana Rice Factory | 0773375555 | sudeera01@yahoo.com | |
1261 | 127930 | D&D Ceylon Products Pvt Ltd | 0772177889 | dulanmadu@gmail.com | |
1262 | 127938 | Y.A. Rice Mill | 0774743273 | | |
1263 | 127946 | Ambokka Plantation | 0776656660 | hiranr@gmail.com | |
1264 | 127951 | Amindra | 772445850 | | |
1265 | 127962 | D.G.N. Industry | 774108405 | | |
1266 | 127974 | Idhumini Saree Jacket | 0764261139 | idhuminisaree@gmail.com | |
1267 | 127986 | H.M.J. Food Products & Distributors | 0778215564 | hmjsale@gmail.com | |
1268 | 128062 | Suravi Holdings (Pvt) Ltd | 0716823921 | asela@suravi.lk | www.suraviholdings.com |
1269 | 128213 | Lakmee Exports Lanka Company (PVT)Ltd | (94) 77 005 7006 | lakmee.expor@gmail.com | https://lakmee.lk/ |
1270 | 128226 | Nethmi Design | 0711739002 | iroshnuwan2019@gmail.com | |
1271 | 128257 | Subodha Furniture | 0382257575 | nelumweerasuriya@gmail.com | |
1272 | 128268 | Ama Herbal Food Products | 0777654198 | amaherbalproducts@gmail.com | https://g.co/kgs/N6S8nxv |
1273 | 128485 | J B Products | 0713649020 | jayarathnabandara384@gmail.com | |
1274 | 128507 | Imaka Product | 0776595971 | indikalakmal448@gmail.com | |
1275 | 128649 | EWIS Colombo Limited | 0777707515 | sanjeewa@ewisl.net | www.ewispc.com |
1276 | 128835 | Mighty Fashion | 0714929228 | amalisagarika1997@gmail.com | |
1277 | 128898 | AB Products Pvt Ltd | 0814953438 | info@abp.lk | |
1278 | 128963 | Malith Bathik | 0716036097 | | |
1279 | 129047 | Supiri Product | 0711939284 | supiriproduct1@gmail.com | |
1280 | 129128 | Lanka Bhoomi Holdings PVT LTD | 0771000660 | lankabhoomioffice@gmail.com | http://ceylonhappiness.com/ |
1281 | 129135 | Sandaruwani Products | | | |
1282 | 129137 | Nevil Industries Pvt Ltd | | | |
1283 | 129139 | Liyana Trading | | | |
1284 | 129149 | Blackpool Organic Farm | 0778770770 | senilasanika@gmail.com | |
1285 | 129265 | The Nook Guest House | 0701193053 | owijesinghe@gmail.com | |
1286 | 129390 | SKR Enterprises Pvt Ltd | 0777775649 | | |
1287 | 129444 | Superfine Uva Golden Tea | 0717934390 | ayomanishanthi4@gmail.com | |
1288 | 129479 | Bileeta (Pvt) Ltd | +94 114 378 378 | info@bileeta.com | https://bileeta.com/ |
1289 | 129493 | Lily Spice Experts | +94-772013111 | lilyspiceexperts@gmail.com | https://lilyspiceexperts.mydurable.com/ |
1290 | 129755 | SUN RISE CATERING SERVICE | 0778003411 | nnaleem03@gmail.com | |
1291 | 129960 | MBMR Cook (home made products) | 0719285008 | | |
1292 | 130047 | Ceylo Soap | +94764889010 | ruwanthigunasekara5@gmail.com | |
1293 | 130110 | RW Handicraft | 0766249691 | mifasrifas@gmail.com | |
1294 | 130381 | Lahiru Rice Mill | 0784440112 | thilaksomachandra849@gmail.com | |
1295 | 130391 | N A R J PRODUCTS | 0752120229 | | |
1296 | 130400 | M & M PRODUCTS | | | |
1297 | 130525 | Lakjaya Oil Mills | 0717691856 | neelneel821@gmail.com | |
1298 | 130536 | Queen Cool Ice | 0786435399 | queensuper@gmail.com | |
1299 | 130559 | New star Nursery | 0711504087 | newstarnursery99@gmail.com | |
1300 | 130632 | Master Plast Industries (Pvt) Ltd. | 0768458363 | masterplastind@gmail.com | |
1301 | 131032 | MRS TASTY | | | |
1302 | 131098 | Medi Clean Soap | | | |
1303 | 131115 | AMRA HOME PRODUCTS | | | |
1304 | 131129 | Paramount Hardware & Paramount Cement Works | 0773064586 | | |
1305 | 131199 | NR Products | | | |
1306 | 131206 | Marazin (Pvt) Ltd | 0757571411 | mm.matheen@gmail.com | |
1307 | 131266 | Lahiru Construction & Consultants (Pvt) Ltd | 0777195488 | lahiruconstructions@gmail.com | Lahiruconstruction.lk |
1308 | 131408 | Sapuwatta Chemiro Marketing Service | 0775208686 | kmrsenevirathna@gmail.com | |
1309 | 131415 | Royal Henna & Herbs Products | 0759988637 | sasna20030823@gmail.com | |
1310 | 131435 | Gain Chem Industries | 0342264410 | gainchem.gi@gmail.com | |
1311 | 131442 | RP Apparel | 0776345072 | kapathinayaka@gmail.com | |
1312 | 131450 | Ranawana Plantations (Pvt) Ltd | 0773043340 | ranawanaplantation@gmail.com | |
1313 | 131465 | Ruchiya Products | 0722449901 | ruchiyaproduct@gmail.com | |
1314 | 131592 | New RSD Electricals (Pvt) Ltd | 0777693397 | info@newrsdelectricals.com | |
1315 | 131598 | IK Engineering Solution | 0773950629 | kuma.wgc@gmail.com | |
1316 | 131600 | WOOD LANKA PVT LTD | 0777143893 | woodlanka2@gmail.com | |
1317 | 131602 | Winro Engineering | 0703669600 | | |
1318 | 131604 | RANASH COMPANY (PVT) LTD | 0775503311 | | |
1319 | 131606 | Ceylon Coco Carb (PVT) Ltd | 074096005 | | |
1320 | 131608 | ATUWA PRODUCTS | 0711551755 | | |
1321 | 131610 | C.W. FOODS CEYLON PVT LTD | 0772069430 | | |
1322 | 131612 | RANGI FASHION | 0777662953 | | |
1323 | 131637 | CEYLON HERBS KITCHEN (PVT) LTD. | +94 76 440 8137 | info@ceylonherbskitchen.lk | www.ceylonherbskitchen.lk |
1324 | 131656 | Rivil Clothing | 077-3986000 | rivilclothing@gmail.com | |
1325 | 131671 | Devmini Papers | 0771224099 | | |
1326 | 131702 | Amazing Events | 0715761024 | | |
1327 | 131711 | Lock Have Luxury Boutique | 0775133122 | | |
1328 | 131736 | Gobi Farm Centre | 0777045703 | | |
1329 | 131746 | Star Construction | 0775005120 | | |
1330 | 131753 | LOTUS NATURE BEAUTY CARE (PVT) LTD | 0752153264 | lotus.nature@yahoo.com | |
1331 | 131765 | Royal Falooda | 0754325368 | aflal2000123@gmail.com | |
1332 | 131801 | Hasmitha Products | 0766412127 | | |
1333 | 131815 | Blue Water Mattress Cushion Manufactures Distributors and Exporters | 0777211800 | bluewatermattress@gmail.com | |
1334 | 131830 | Bluetwo Private Limited | 0768224155 | ashoking09@gmail.com | |
1335 | 131851 | AP CREATIONS | 0775893282 | ayanthiprabhashik@gmail.com | |
1336 | 131907 | St.Anthony's Rubber Products | 0776023905 | stanthonysrp@gmail.com | |
1337 | 131925 | GWA Traders | 0771509789 | | |
1338 | 131935 | GSP Traders | 0777144133 | | |
1339 | 132099 | Diamond Rainwear (pvt) ltd | 0777483483 | sales@diamondco.lk | |
1340 | 132133 | Juss Ceylon Products (PVT) LTD. | 0332257190 | jussceylon@gmail.com | |
1341 | 132155 | Sasro Product | 0772431986 | | |
1342 | 132172 | Ceylanica Foods Exports (Pvt) Ltd | 0773556682 | md@ceylanicafoods.com | www.ceylanicafoods.com |
1343 | 132185 | Nelson Enterprises | 0773292290 | nelsoneenterprises@gmail.com | |
1344 | 132255 | Cozy Range Advertising | 0772281471 | cozyad@gmail.com | |
1345 | 132268 | Smart Casual.lk (Pvt) Ltd. | 0764632726 | chamarajanith@yahoo.com | |
1346 | 132277 | Freezman Technonogies (Pvt) Ltd. | 0777278277 | freezmantec@gmail.com | |
1347 | 132468 | Vincit Packaging Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | +94706220095 | nimshan@vincitpackaging.com | www.vincitpackaging.com |
1348 | 132476 | NAGA PASUMAI (PVT) Ltd. | 0754779271https://www.facebook.com/nagapasumai | nagapasumai2021@gmail.com | |
1349 | 132483 | Nisha Studio | 0776687425 | | |
1350 | 132490 | Stylist Garments | 0758810309 | | |
1351 | 132503 | FRESHCA | 0773097780 | afasiraj786@gmail.com | |
1352 | 132621 | Bothota Organic Growers | 0777175301 | | |
1353 | 132630 | ELIM Products | 0767580852 | jaiyanthan@hotmail.com | |
1354 | 132638 | Ransuwa | 0707827222 | | |
1355 | 132670 | A.K. Packaging (Pvt) Ltd | 0714280209 | akmanufacturers@gmail.com | www.akpackaging.lk |
1356 | 132686 | City cycle industries manufacturing (Pvt) Ltd | 0777677776 | aazim.miflal@lumala.lk | https://lumala.lk/ |
1357 | 132711 | Shape Up Shoe Industries | 702234567 | Sanhaj12345677@gmail.com | |
1358 | 132720 | Sasiri Grinding Mills | 0724715829 | Obadagenandasiri@gmail.com | |
1359 | 132852 | RAN Green Foods Export (Pvt) Ltd. | 038 2281088 | rd@rangreenfoods.com | |
1360 | 132869 | Nava herbal Products company | *94758781181 | navaherbel725@gmail.com | |
1361 | 132977 | SUWANI HEALTH CARE AND COSMETICS PVT LTD | 0773177199 | atckumara@gmail.com | https://suwani.lk |
1362 | 133046 | Davcrafters Web Design | +94 78 307 9019 | chamindu706@gmail.com | https://davcrafters.com/ |
1363 | 133062 | MAHALAXMI BOUTIQUE | 0753440870 | snkeshan91@gmail.com | |
1364 | 133139 | MICHAEL INDUSTRY (PVT) Ltd. | 0772764057 | gunalanmichael@yahoo.com | |
1365 | 133211 | EAST TEC AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM | 0756224947 | | |
1366 | 133225 | MA COCONUT MILL | 0753532220 | | |
1367 | 133236 | Good Life | 0760225528 | | |
1368 | 133242 | Uma Product | 0767365219 | | |
1369 | 133250 | Aswin Product | 0773972309 | | |
1370 | 133258 | Adampan Bio Farm | 0770757875 | | |
1371 | 133265 | Siva Product | 0774651994 | | |
1372 | 133277 | Retna Products | 0776605446 | | |
1373 | 133290 | Sharmi Fashion Shop | 0762644509 | | |
1374 | 133300 | GoldLac Paint and Coating | 0772500061 | | |
1375 | 133302 | Wanamandawa Native Ayurvedic Drugs Manufactory/ වනමන්දාව දේශීය ආයුර්වේද ඖෂධ නිෂ්පාදනාගාරය | 077545321 | wanamandawanative@gmail.com | https://wanamandawanative.lk/ |
1376 | 133306 | Opel Natural Water | 0773079135 | golly2011@gmail.com | |
1377 | 133333 | Dimuthu Rice Flour | 0772912171 | dimuthuproduct2020@gmail.com | |
1378 | 133409 | LUXMI CHEM DETERGENT | 0773630528 | hanees.20017@gmail.com | |
1379 | 133543 | Nippon Helmets & Toys (Pvt) Ltd | 0775910577 | md@nipponhelmets.lk | |
1380 | 133548 | Green Fresh Fruits (Pvt) Ltd | 0775908128 | ffleverage52@gmail,com | |
1381 | 133550 | Wijee Industry | 0773797943 | amidumunasinghe4567@gmail.com | |
1382 | 133554 | Alfa Way Enterprises | 0765501250 | ggkanil@gmail.com | |
1383 | 133559 | SS Metals Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | 0764410449 | | |
1384 | 133570 | Needs Lanka Plantation and Food Products (Pvt) Ltd | 0767896213 | sankalpac4444@gmail.com | |
1385 | 133640 | Sun Smart Footwear | 0713494407 | | |
1386 | 133647 | Sahayanayahi food center | 0776469820 | | |
1387 | 133655 | Ayan Product | 0764406318 | | |
1388 | 133660 | Pandora Garments (pvt) Ltd | 0719999909 | | |
1389 | 133667 | Infinity Apparel (Pvt) Ltd | 0772209944 | | |
1390 | 133674 | 3A Gem and Jewelry | 0778968164 | | |
1391 | 133682 | R.S.Z.Product | 0776078213 | | |
1392 | 133691 | Inside Electronic | 0382235593 | insideelectronic1@gmail.com | https://insideelectronic.shophere.lk |
1393 | 133698 | Atvel Brush Manufacturers (Pvt) Ltd | 0772251340 | nimalkranasinghe@icloud.com | atvel.lk |
1394 | 133766 | HAPPY LAND ICE CREAM | 0778843403 | imthi.hmm@gmail.com | |
1395 | 133851 | LEENA CAFE - A1 | 0756750095 | saathikeen@gmail .com | |
1396 | 133931 | DK Dehydration Food Products | 0776905579 | Kmadumali1997@gmail.com | |
1397 | 133952 | Rithu mushroom | 0771713603 | morendagerithumi@gmail.com | |
1398 | 133960 | Atvel Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | +94775309275 | gayan.atvellanka@gmail.com | |
1399 | 133971 | JEBI SHINE ESTABLISMENT | 0756801570 | jebiprinters@gmail.com | |
1400 | 134051 | SAHOOTH Tailaring Center | 0765274645 | | |
1401 | 134124 | Manabendi Photography | 0778878136 | | |
1402 | 134142 | Thimark Technocreations (Pvt) Ltd | 0112051944 | thimarktechno@gmail.com | www.thimark.com |
1403 | 134147 | Vijayas Textiles | 0715798185 | vijayas0522222460@gmail.com | |
1404 | 134201 | Medawatta Food Products | 0717998245 | medawattaproducts@gmail.com | |
1405 | 134209 | DASA COCOS PVT LTD | 0779317017 | | |
1406 | 134224 | B&B COCO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD | 0774003536 | bandbcoco123@gmail.com | |
1407 | 134273 | Wewelwala Mills (Pvt) Ltd | 0912245800 | wewelwalamills.sl@gmail.com | https://www.wemills.com/ |
1408 | 134427 | Green Forest Lanka Pvt Ltd | 706930693 | greenforestlanka@gmail.com | www.greenforestlanka.com |
1409 | 134439 | Green Ranch | 712537907 | lasa.maduranga@gmail.com | |
1410 | 134464 | REAL LOOK ACADEMY (PVT) LTD | 0777777923 | salonreallook2010@gmail.com | |
1411 | 134479 | Sirikanthi Manufacturers (Pvt) Ltd | 0777 370546 | sirikanthi.manu.lk@gmail.com | |
1412 | 134493 | Sera Southern Pharmaceutical Pvt Ltd | 0703300302 | | |
1413 | 134501 | Vithusan Pappadam | 0764642768 | | |
1414 | 134510 | Riya Juice | 0776687879 | | |
1415 | 134518 | Jasmine Rice Mill | 0706753066 | | |
1416 | 134530 | Jayabima Product & Distributors | 0714066275 | warnakodithuwakku@gmail.com | |
1417 | 134589 | New Abeysekara Rice Mill | 0773361478 | nileshminila17@gmail.com | |
1418 | 134599 | Abeysekara Rice Mill | 0773361478 | abeysekara12@gmail.com | |
1419 | 134606 | Nadee Enterprises | 0723530740 | nadee510@gmail.com | |
1420 | 134624 | Seno Fashion | 0778848379 | chamindakumarasku585u@gmail.com | |
1421 | 134633 | Annai Mary Production | 0773006163 | | |
1422 | 134643 | Star Shoe | 0775557860 | | |
1423 | 134677 | Nihinsa Handy Craft | 0776489219 | samiliabeysingha@gmail.com | |
1424 | 134690 | Mihingu Fashion | 0770732462 | mihingufashion30@gmail.com | |
1425 | 135016 | Boo Honey | 0716899989 | boohoney2021@gmail.com | |
1426 | 135161 | MARUDHI SHRIMP FARM | 0776167946 | | |
1427 | 135255 | Susavi Fittings & Fabricates | 0718150056 | susaviff@gmail.com | |
1428 | 135269 | JUDE AGRO CENTER & PRINCE RICE MILL | 0777113306 | | |
1429 | 135342 | IRHAM Dress Making & Handicraft Products | | irhammohammed975@gmail.com | |
1430 | 135358 | Isurika Grinding Mills | 0703122884 | anjaleisurika1994@gmail.com | |
1431 | 135363 | The Redmoon Agri and Spices (Pvt) Ltd | | | |
1432 | 135365 | St. Joseph Coco Substrate | | | |
1433 | 135367 | D and N Coco Products Pvt Ltd | | | |
1434 | 135369 | Coyara Trading (Pvt) Ltd | | | |
1435 | 135371 | Calito (Pvt) Ltd | | | |
1436 | 135373 | A.H.A Cashews | | | |
1437 | 135375 | Hi Tech Holdings (Pvt) Ltd | | | |
1438 | 135377 | Sandaru Twine Factory | | | |
1439 | 135379 | Ironwill Steel | | | |
1440 | 135381 | Hi Tech Cement Lanka (Pvt) Ltd | | | |
1441 | 135383 | St.Anne Rubber Goods | | | |
1442 | 135385 | Gethmi Bag Center | | | |
1443 | 135389 | Liyana Trading | | | |
1444 | 135391 | Star Taiyalaham | 0776719856 | | |
1445 | 135394 | Succeed International (Pvt) Ltd | | | |
1446 | 135400 | Maha Vithya Tailoring Shop | 0766627955 | | |
1447 | 135402 | Onilta Coir | | | |
1448 | 135411 | Abarnas facial and Beauty Care | 0770076422 | | |
1449 | 135804 | Malmama Traditional Seeds Hut | 0770572591 | thilakarathna@gmail.com | |
1450 | 136097 | Dry Fish and Dressing Center | 0763412559 | | |
1451 | 136105 | Kejani Product | 0776199510 | | |
1452 | 136112 | Kavitha Palmyra Product | 0769188852 | | |
1453 | 136118 | Sri Isuru Products | 0766714324 | thilankaisuru98@gmail.com | |
1454 | 136144 | Yenara Products | 0778848882 | amilaf80@gmail.com | |
1455 | 136151 | Thuhira Beauty Parler | 0766646802 | | |
1456 | 136158 | Aksika Beauty Care | 0767539609 | | |
1457 | 136171 | Kapruka Bio Foods Pvt Ltd | 0765287098 | shanthadevapriya28@gmail.com | |
1458 | 136175 | N.N. International (Pvt) Ltd | 0773647133 | | |
1459 | 136179 | Sobako Products Pvt Ltd. | +9477 726 0532 | sobakoproductsp@gmail.com | https://sobakoproducts.com |
1460 | 136189 | AGAPE HOTEL | 0770375234 | | |
1461 | 136196 | Uthayakala Tailoring | 0776894320 | | |
1462 | 136232 | Rohana Metal Engineering (pvt) Ltd | 0472262848 | rohanaliyanaarachchi@gmail.com | |
1463 | 136251 | Shantha Electrical | 0771178375 | shanthaelectrical25@gmail.com | |
1464 | 136282 | Shantha Electrical | 0771178375 | shanthaelectrical25@gmail.com | |
1465 | 136298 | Osavi ceylon Natural Foods (Pvt) Ltd. | 0776142048 | osavifoods@gmail.com | |
1466 | 136511 | Laktharu Biotech Private Limited | +94767817170 | laktharuplantnursery@gmail.com | https://laktharubiotech.com/ |
1467 | 137059 | PCC Products | 0753449716 | aamjath769@gmail.com | |
1468 | 137194 | Hemantha Trade Center | 0723606594 | pk6841004@gmail.com | |
1469 | 137551 | Future Ceylon | 0760222899 | schamodini1996@gmail.com | |
1470 | 137701 | Panama Paththuwa Handicraft | 0710580960 | jcekanayaka505@gmail.com | |
1471 | 137721 | Mr.Hello Natural Products | 0761515935 | ganithagechathura@gmail.com | |
1472 | 137778 | Dev Foods Products | 0717737294 | | |
1473 | 137894 | Udaya Bite Products | 0710339816 | | |
1474 | 138010 | Naturix(PVT)Ltd | 0712573091 | naturixapura@gmail.com | |
1475 | 138071 | All Needs Consumer Service | 0742016850 | sihinafurniture@gmail.com | |
1476 | 138727 | Sahana Product | 0778574202 | chandrakanthiindra889@gmail.com | |
1477 | 139591 | Dissanayake Enterprises | 0777779548 | dissanayakenr@gmail.com | |
1478 | 139811 | Nawasiri Bakery | 0768055131 | nawasirib@gmail.com | |
1479 | 139871 | NJ's Confectionery (Pvt) Ltd | 0714252085 | akshan96@live.com | |
1480 | 140259 | Lassana Furniture Manufactures and Sawmills | 0718099591 | | |
1481 | 140277 | TESCO | 0779081323 | nishanthcool2014@gmail.com | |
1482 | 140286 | Hotel Nirosha | 0767422200 | | |
1483 | 140292 | Pearl Rest -Home Stay | 0779078576 | | |
1484 | 140302 | Sri Nayani Rice Mill | 0774917137 | | |
1485 | 140309 | Sobana Food Product | 0761137248 | | |
1486 | 140314 | Sri Vengadeswara | 0767274365 | | |
1487 | 140322 | Kala Palmyra Products | 0775952447 | | |
1488 | 140448 | Dewsha Food product | 0775338488 | dewshaproducts@gmail.com | |
1489 | 140535 | J.C Engineering | 077-7515795 | rpjcrajapaksha@gmail.com | |
1490 | 140574 | TIRMA HOLDINGS (PVT) LTD | 0727772508 | tirma.office@gmail.com | |
1491 | 140584 | Geethma Fashion | 0727064666 | Sandaligeethma96@gmail.com | |
1492 | 140681 | Sachathi Sweets | 071-3371289 | chandikacpk@gmail.com | |
1493 | 140797 | S.M Iron Works | 0771790526 | | |
1494 | 140813 | Vanaya Tailors | 0779609550 | | |
1495 | 141164 | Rajan Products | 0774127344 | | |
1496 | 141330 | BLOOM Paradise | 0773364637 | | |
1497 | 141415 | Sandaru Coir Products | 0721535381 | himalithennakoon2@gmail.com | |
1498 | 141938 | Royal Health Care Services (pvt) Ltd | 0252 224 659 | | www.royalrajarata.com |
1499 | 142075 | BV Coco (Pvt) Ltd | 0772317460 | bvtraders8899@gmail.com | |
1500 | 142084 | Streams and Reef | 076 6719422 | | |
1501 | 142110 | Suresh Souvenirs | 0723602493 | pererasuresh851@gmail.com | |
1502 | 142323 | Super Food Products | 0706294999 | foodsuper543@gmail.com | |
1503 | 142330 | Sankist Product | 0706603950 | roshanicooray@gmail.com | |
1504 | 142359 | SAINT ELMO'S CANDLES | 0777631444 | stelmoscandles@gmail.com | |
1505 | 143243 | Sketch Industries | 0715838330 | | |
1506 | 143354 | Style life | 0773755056 | Stylelifebadulla@gmail.com | |
1507 | 143367 | Umayal Printers | 0752268931 | | |
1508 | 143423 | Refresh | 766253525 | DemelDistributors@gmail.comil.com | |
1509 | 143522 | Three H Product | 0714023564 | | |
1510 | 143606 | Raja Rata Rice (Pvt) Ltd | 071-6076549 | rajaratapolysack@gmail.com | |
1511 | 143785 | Helaahara Healthy Lanka (PVT) Ltd | 0716349335 | helaahara@gmail.com | |
1512 | 144075 | Raja Rata Polysack (PVT) Ltd | 071-7462441 | rajaratarice@gmail.com | |
1513 | 144082 | AAA Industries (pvt) Ltd | 0777252325 | sl.aaaindustries@gmail.com | |
1514 | 144101 | Nilushika Bakers | 0701066510 | | |
1515 | 144164 | Dulmi Ceylon Natural Tea & Dehy Food Product | 0757722767 | dulminichandrika5@gmail.com | |
1516 | 144173 | Samurdhi Enterprises | 070-1249073 | niroshapandith254@gmail.com | |
1517 | 144319 | New Isali Fashion | 0779200678 | hgpwijethunga@gmail.com | |
1518 | 144673 | Faaz Cookies | 0754363533 | mhmdansar1964@gmail.com | |
1519 | 144682 | naturix(pvt)ltd | +94772069152 | naturixapura@gmail.com | |
1520 | 145205 | SM Super Products | 0774128003 | kaushalyaweerasinghe15@gmail.com | |
1521 | 145212 | Ceilao Gem (Pvt) Ltd | 0773293028 | ceilaogem@gmail.com | |
1522 | 145279 | Infra Industries | 0773241615 | magaminfra@gmail.com | |
1523 | 145310 | CITY MAX SHOE | 0773278920 | farshan813@gmail.com | |
1524 | 145589 | Aloka Products | 0775976300 | alokab803@gmail.com | |
1525 | 145745 | Dhamsarani Rice Mills | 0703937696 | indraniwijerathne@gmail.com | |
1526 | 146236 | Jayawardhana Rice Mills | 0776422010 | rmjayantha10@gmail.com | |
1527 | 146650 | Samagi Sweets | 0710663507 | wasantha@gmail.com | |
1528 | 146794 | Nippon Industries LK (Pvt) Ltd | 077 7308651 | shalikaceylonmarketing@gmail.com | |
1529 | 146803 | Dewmini Food & Goods | 0763188040 | pman.abeyrathna@gmail.com | |
1530 | 146870 | New Kamal Coco Industries | 0769936674 | dilanharshada@gmail.com | |
1531 | 146880 | V T M NATURAL PRODUCTS | 0778430558 | mithuzan02@gmail.com | https://g.co/kgs/e4hK4Nj |
1532 | 146894 | Bimthenna Hotel And Restaurant | 0714914298 | bandaradharmasekara@gmail.com | |
1533 | 147193 | Sampath Fruits Rajanganaya | 0764456000 | sampathsamodi@gmail.com | |
1534 | 147359 | PO Jayasinghe Business | 0719902440 | | |
1535 | 147472 | Ranketha Products | 0702469881 | ranketha@gmail.com | |
1536 | 147990 | Dissanayaka Concrete | 0773948983 | dissanayakaconcrete@gmail.com | |
1537 | 148518 | Divyanjali Beauty Saloon | 0770579664 | | |
1538 | 148795 | Amara Products | 0713128284 | amaraproducts@gmail.com | |
1539 | 149024 | SHINE | 0776662123 | hilmyasm@gmail.com | |
1540 | 149106 | SF MODELING & GARMENTS (PVT) LTD. | 0753456783 | sfmodeling2023@gmail.com | |
1541 | 149358 | Negam Ayurveda Industries (PVT) Ltd | 071-3388555 | negamayurvedhaindustrie@gmail.com | |
1542 | 149378 | Gamage coconut oil mill | 071 5260787 | gmgsamantha@gmail.com | |
1543 | 149608 | AKSHARAM WOMEN HANDLOOM | 0772866300 | soumy.jamava1@gmail.com | |
1544 | 149687 | AWANTIKA AYUSH (PVT) LTD. | 0763367212 | prasanyashiva@gmail.com | |
1545 | 150945 | Hansamali Grind Mill | 033-2050967 | nipunshanuka23@gmail.com | |
1546 | 150973 | Seldo Industries | 0552258461 | seldoindustriesoffice2gmail.com | |
1547 | 150979 | Diamond Engineers (Pvt) Ltd | 0776191112 | info.diamondengineers@gmail.com | |
1548 | 150994 | BV Rice Mill | 0718465396 | bvpushpa1984@gmail.com | |
1549 | 151007 | KGK Coconut Oil Mills | 0711923996 | hiruniahinsa70@gmail.com | |
1550 | 151086 | Hatharasingha Furnitures | 0773509605 | asankahatharasingha@gmail.com | |
1551 | 151147 | Wijesiri Rice Mill | 0701483771 | rc299528@gmail.com | |
1552 | 151207 | Rasoda products | 0713658210 | rasodaproduts@gmail.com | |
1553 | 151267 | SENA MILLS REFINERIES PVT LTD | (94) 11-2424776 | info@smrconsolidated.com | https://smrconsolidated.com/ |
1554 | 151274 | Indumini Bites | 0779557405 | | |
1555 | 151501 | Romass Lanka Footwear (pvt)Ltd | 0777631035 | krhaq@ftc.com | |
1556 | 151517 | Samanthi Arts & Craft | 0712781883 | samanthiarts@gmail.com | www.samanthicraft.com |
1557 | 151645 | Heendeniya Grinding Mill | 0718845040 | bmramyapala@gmail.com | |
1558 | 151701 | Ovenro Enterprises | 076-6589881 | | |
1559 | 152887 | Simplifaid Services | +94774747457 | consultancy@simplifaid.com | https://simplifaid.com |
1560 | 152897 | SUWAYA | 0778102020 | sajeev1gh@yahoo.com | |
1561 | 152904 | Hastha Ceylon (PVT) LTD. | 0777348180 | 88thilina@gmail.com | |
1562 | 152928 | Amazing Green (Pvt)Ltd | +94707900707 | hello@amazinggreen.lk | https://amazinggreen.lk/ |
1563 | 153251 | ND Oil Mill | | | |
1564 | 153277 | Mansitha Herbal Products (pvt Ltd) Ltd | 0773758096/0701233536 | mansithaproducts@gmail.com | |
1565 | 153301 | Woody Studio (Pvt) Ltd | 0752356677 | kinwoodystudio@gmail.com | |
1566 | 153314 | LS Trading & Manufacturing (Pvt) Ltd | 0772132944 | samindra@lstradingpartners.com | |
1567 | 153321 | Samanpriya Lacquer HandyCraft | 0777184009 | samanpriya@gmai.com | |
1568 | 153327 | Maarji Herbal Products | 0773637778 | lalith.mhp@gmail.com | www.marjiherbalproducts.com |
1569 | 153333 | AN | 077-9002588 | anushkanishadh82@gmail.com | |
1570 | 153367 | Wimal Shoe | 033-2224649 | erandachanaka12@gmail.com | |
1571 | 153580 | Udeshika Garment | 0772451498 | | |
1572 | 153657 | RAGHA ICE CREAM AND CAFE PRIVATE LIMITED | ±94711235678 | ahilan0111@gmail.com | |
1573 | 153727 | PrettyFoot Shoes | 0716050032 | bineshwewalwala@gmail.com | |
1574 | 153738 | P.T. APPERAL | 0779766903 | thusharika@gmail.com | |
1575 | 153816 | Thushara Rice Mill | 0741684499 | lithumiricemill@gmail.com | |
1576 | 153877 | Lithumi Rice Mill | 0741684499 | thushararicemill@gmail.com | |
1577 | 153987 | Supun Aerosoft Pvt Ltd | 0770038414 | supunaerosoft318@gmail.com | |
1578 | 154000 | Sooriya Sahal | 0715778092 | chandimawasanthi19@gmail.com | |
1579 | 154069 | Sandamali Batiks | 0777251922 | sandamalibatiks@gmail.com | |
1580 | 154095 | Diplo Pharma (Pvt) Ltd | 0777816662 | chathurangakatupitiya@gmail.com | |
1581 | 154112 | Dinushi Holding (Pvt) Ltd | 0765260299 | dinushiproduct12@gmail.com | |
1582 | 154128 | Chamindu Products | 0772676990 | chaminduproducts@gmail.com | |
1583 | 154257 | MEAT LANKA (PVT) LTD | 94760784444 | meatlanka.lk.gmail.com | |
1584 | 154444 | Tharu Fashion | 0778090966 | inokajeewanthi5@gmail.com | |
1585 | 157691 | ADDAX CLOTHING (PVT) LTD | ±94756941319 | mjmshifan2@gmail.com | |
1586 | 157762 | Mihiri Food Product | 0716450356 | mihirifoodproduct@gmail.com | |
1587 | 157828 | Greenline Thunapaha | | | |
1588 | 158398 | Ajantha Bakers | 0552230312 | | |
1589 | 159695 | Cake by Sheikh | 0775230101 | umainasiyam@gmail.com | |
1590 | 159700 | LANKA SOFT TOYS | 0770758843 | furshadnazeer@gmail.com | |
1591 | 159832 | Mahajana Distributors | 0778787498 | iro8877@gmail.com | |
1592 | 159890 | Senevirathna Product | 0713057551 | mallikasenevirathna@gmail.com | |
1593 | 159902 | Ravija Rice Mill | 0723532673 | ashokaperera@gmail.com | |
1594 | 159919 | Ino Lanka Holding(Pvt)Ltd | 0777007961 | inolankaholding@gmail.com | |
1595 | 159985 | Crown Printers | 0777070009 | crownprintkekirawa@gmail.com | |
1596 | 160010 | SINBON BAKERS | 0777076262 | sinbon97@gmail.com | |
1597 | 160064 | SPS Tobacco Manufactures | 0773056571 | | |
1598 | 160077 | Shashitha Rice Production | 0763955775 | | |
1599 | 160084 | The Bliss Melon | 077-1000586 | theblissmelon@gmail.com | |
1600 | 160101 | Jaya Sri Cutpieces and Dressmaking | 0769963111 | | |
1601 | 160175 | Mana Ceylon | 0703262727 | manaceylon@gmail.com | |
1602 | 160620 | Pradeepa Products | 0716212570 | wasanthinilmini59@gmail.com | |
1603 | 160643 | Sanjani Tex & Tailers | 0712584307 | | |
1604 | 161854 | ANSIF SUPER KAJU | 94772291517 | | |
1605 | 161989 | Super Feed (Pvt) Ltd | 035-2240764 | sales@superfeed.lk | |
1606 | 162008 | KOKULAM PADDY STORE | *94772636413 | smathiyalakan96@gmail.com | |
1607 | 162079 | Super Pharmaceuticals ( Pvt ) Ltd | 0352240764 | ph | |
1608 | 162135 | Smart kids | 0777411371 | skgarment99 | |
1609 | 162148 | Well Vidane | 0763243925 | | |
1610 | 162161 | Sagara Kekulu Rice Mill | 0761355673 | | |
1611 | 162231 | Mithudhama Tyre Center | 0711234175 | | |
1612 | 162631 | Rotan White Soap And Rathnasiri Products | 0773525774 | | |
1613 | 162654 | Bhagya Rice Mill | 0777206123 | | |
1614 | 162672 | Raththaran Amma Products | 0778045843 | | |
1615 | 162679 | ND Oil Mill | 071-5666602 | dilanisamanthi980@gmail.com | |
1616 | 162704 | Vimchico Fiber Mill | 0712739046 | vimchicofiberlanka@gmail.com | |
1617 | 162774 | DP Industries | 076-6492005 | dprecycling93@gmail.com | |
1618 | 163164 | Neptune Colour Industries | 94 77 348 6586 | neptunecolor@gmail.com | https://neptunecolour.lk |
1619 | 163174 | FH Herbal Product | 0750540422 | sahrathifa598@gmail.com | |
1620 | 164150 | Aimal Nature Beauty Care | 0756917123 | americanamc2024@gmail.com | |
1621 | 164165 | RS Production | 0757200537 | raiyyan@gmail.com | |
1622 | 164180 | Pinnawala Motors | 070-1125769 | | |
1623 | 164182 | SAAM BRO MEDIA | 0758007241 | farvis1993@gmail.com | |
1624 | 164211 | GHAME SPICE (PVT) LTD | | GHAMESpice@outlook.com | |
1625 | 164280 | S & M Agro (Pvt) Ltd | 0764456000 | | |
1626 | 164343 | THANGA ANCHANEYA PRODUCTS | *94764797858 | | |
1627 | 164470 | SR Cashew | 0754302210 | samithasamarathunga64@gmail.com | |
1628 | 164484 | Good Rich Lanka (PVT)LTD. | 077-7102201 | layan@goodrichlanka.com | |
1629 | 164630 | Rathna Furniture | 0770539592 | ranasingheanuja@gmail.com | |
1630 | 164634 | GOLDEN FOOD PRODUCTS | 0767922961 | | |
1631 | 164644 | MBN Fashions & Multy Product Supplier | 077-7549953 | buddhikako@gmail.com | |
1632 | 165038 | Fashion Bliss & Colour Bathik | 0703840923 | kavindyanimesha910@gmail.com | |
1633 | 165046 | HPH Fashion | 0771855011 | wasana78wijekoon@gmail.com | |
1634 | 165057 | Anurudda Industries | 0715776361 | anuruddaindustry1@gmail.com | |
1635 | 165275 | Siyarata Bathik | 0779040362 | chamindasenevirathne38@gmail.com | |
1636 | 165289 | Diadem Lanka Food Product (Pvt) Ltd | 0701857141 | nimantha123r@gmail.com | |
1637 | 165295 | Asee Holdings (Pvt) Ltd | 0766757657 | aseeholdings@gmail.com | |
1638 | 165301 | Spice Juntion | 0756626443 | spicejuntion44@gmail.com | |
1639 | 165309 | Mangala Industries | 0777497440 | munasinghemangala72@gmail.com | |
1640 | 166004 | Yorke Maintenance Services | 071 489 2075 | ymssrilanka@gmail.com | ymscoolingtowers.com |
1641 | 166018 | YENUFLEX RUBBER PRODUCTS. | 071-5970549 | goldenmoon2020lj@gmail.com | |
1642 | 166210 | Akash Ditributors | 0714118236 | akashwishva9@gmail.com | |
1643 | 166364 | Athkam Piyasa | 0713912542 | | |
1644 | 166383 | Minu Flowers | | | |
1645 | 166392 | Apsara Rice Mill | 0773304234 | apsarajinnah@gmail.com | |
1646 | 166412 | Rebaka Aari and Tailoring | | | |
1647 | 166420 | Thushari Rice Mill | 0775519999 | | |
1648 | 166432 | Neelawathura Hotel | | | |
1649 | 166439 | CANDIL PRODUCTS PVT LTD | 0775543930 | candilproducts@gmail.com | |
1650 | 166450 | T.R.M. Mogand Sweets | | | |
1651 | 166461 | N.P.Tailoring | | | |
1652 | 166473 | MALDARA | | maldarainfo@gmail.com | |
1653 | 166481 | Rathna Tea | 0777952025 | dilipsenarath@gmail.com | |
1654 | 166733 | C And C Holdings | 777304299 | cccharcoalcompany@gmail.com | |
1655 | 166946 | Ceylon Dairy Land Agro PVT LTD | 0777900128 | ceylondairyland@gmail.com | |
1656 | 166960 | Ropeko industry | | | |
1657 | 167105 | Rukmal Motors (pvt)Ltd | 0716894545 | rukmalmotors@gmail.com | http://www.rukmalmotors.lk/ |
1658 | 167118 | Chamara Products | 0707688818 | chamara90@gmail,com | |
1659 | 167128 | Saluminin Fashion | 0704880882 | subhanidilusha@gmail.com | |
1660 | 167140 | New Rabbit | 0775309897 | | |
1661 | 167149 | Vaidya Kulubadu Products | 0779838433 | nimali83@gmail.com | |
1662 | 167157 | Fresh Line Manufacturing ( Pvt) ltd | 0772378767 | accounts@freshlinesafety,com | |
1663 | 168131 | Parami Dairy Products | 0717161957 | paramidairyproduct@gmail.com | |
1664 | 168283 | MHEHAR | +94761944488 | ilmunnisa21@gmail.com | |
1665 | 168294 | Gami Rasa Products | 0715993972 | lethuka2021@gmail.com | |
1666 | 168423 | Nisalliya Bag Center | 0763582096 | lakshithachamod28@gmail.com | |
1667 | 168581 | KPT Apparel (pvt) Ltd. | 0778149138 | ktpkannanj@gmail.com | |
1668 | 168710 | BG Arecanut Processing Center | 075-5886015 | bgmudunkotuwa1@gmail.com | |
1669 | 168716 | UKR Bakery | 0775308501 | ukrthusithapushpakumara@gmail.com | |
1670 | 168786 | Ferentino Tyre Corporation (Pvt) Ltd | 070 4308973 | paramie@ceylonsteel.com | https://ferentino.com/ |
1671 | 168802 | NEW ARAFA KAJU | *94778203620 | razakrazak12317@gmail.com | |
1672 | 169167 | Hasi Fashion | 0770860778 | hasifashion88@gmail.com | |
1673 | 169437 | ECO GROW FARM | *94757458526 | | |
1674 | 169519 | SKIN'S LOVE | 0766656749 | rajanragee95@gmail.com | |
1675 | 169679 | AKSI NATURAL PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD. | *94773579566 | aksiproducts@gmail.com | |
1676 | 169900 | BS NEXUS (PVT) LTD. | *94769115222 | sanjeevsaahar@gmail.com | |
1677 | 169975 | Isuru Rice Mill | 0768878008 | | |
1678 | 169985 | Shiny Recycle Products | 076 0762901 | atpiyasiri@gmail.com | |
1679 | 170010 | Manawa Saviya Nipunatha Sanwardana Ha Adyapana (Guarantee) Limited | 0779996621 | sanjayasuranga6@gmail.com | |
1680 | 170019 | Hatchyard Pvt Ltd | +94756271991 | | |
1681 | 170087 | Lenagala Agro Farm & Nature Tea (Private) Ltd | 0718766662 | malindanisal88@gmail.com | |
1682 | 170093 | Rasoja Food Products( Pvt) ltd | 0772547905 | infospicesrasoja@gmail.com | |
1683 | 170114 | Kahatapitiya Holdings (Pvt) Ltd | 077 3433675 | kahatapitiyaholdings@gmail.com | |
1684 | 170389 | Ruwanpura Rice Mill | 0774924649 | ruwanpura.mill@gmail.com | |
1685 | 170846 | Sethmi pintharu | 0761054051 | hewathanthrigebandara@gmail.com | |
1686 | 170951 | Lanka Rope Industries | 0718135852 | | |
1687 | 170986 | Pushpa Kulubadu Products | 0715126386 | Pushpadarmarathne1@gmail.com | |
1688 | 170999 | Edirisingha Cushion works (Pvt) Ltd | +94 77 311 3322 | ecw.pvt@gmail.com | https://www.edirisinghagroup.lk/ |
1689 | 171046 | N Laby Smart Saloon | 0752007563 | labylaby574@gmail.com | |
1690 | 171263 | Parami Elite International(PVt) Ltd | 0715765343 | | |
1691 | 171283 | The Flavoured Cakes World | 077 3203924 | theflavouredcakesworld@gmail.com | |
1692 | 171299 | Amunugama Saw Mills & Timber Stores (Pvt) Ltd | 0772361977 | chandraamunugama1960@gmail.com | |
1693 | 171310 | NDS HOLDINGS | 0759831831 | contact@lerd.lk | |
1694 | 171324 | MM Oven (Mommas Magical Oven) | 0757599770 | Itsmeafri@hotmail.com | |
1695 | 171334 | KLASS.LK | +94717705526 | info@klass.lk | https://klass.lk |
1696 | 171405 | Hiru Mushrooms | 0764486125 | hiruwathsala64@gmail.com | |
1697 | 171422 | EZONE EASTERN GROUP (PVT) LTD | 0778639206 | easterngroups@gmail.com | |
1698 | 171515 | Real Taste Manufactures (Pvt) Ltd. | 074 0709792 | mevanweerarathne@gmail.com | |
1699 | 171586 | Lassana Lanka Herbal (pvt) Ltd | 074 3357440 | lankaherbal1@gmail.com | |
1700 | 171678 | Wickrama Concrete Works | | | |
1701 | 171836 | Himaly Ayurvedic Industries (Pvt) Ltd | 0716908403 | himalyherb16@gmail.com | |
1702 | 172224 | AAA Enterprises | 0752660970 | farees1515@gmail.com | |
1703 | 172320 | Himadi Nishpadana | 0764648522 | | |
1704 | 172355 | HR Herbal Products | 0751404646 | ahsanahsan2457@gmail.com | |
1705 | 172419 | Island's Choice (Pvt) Ltd | 0712545508 | madukajagoda02@gmail.com | |
1706 | 172427 | Keen Global Export (Pvt) Ltd | 0713622667 | | |
1707 | 172432 | B M W M Selection (Pvt) Ltd | 077 528 3591 | bmwmselection@yahoo.com | https://www.bmwmselection.com |
1708 | 172558 | Serendias Ecol (PVT)LTD. | 077-7826114 | gwdissanayaka70@gmail.com | |
1709 | 172663 | Sihina Home Made Spicy And Sweet | 701878188 | sihinaproduct@gmail.com | |
1710 | 172672 | CPI FOOTWEAR | 0777772528 | ganeth@cpifootwear.lk | https://cpifootwear.com/ |
1711 | 172743 | Hela Awulu Pvt Ltd | 702081950 | helaawulu2020@gmail.com | |
1712 | 173103 | ROYAL Natural (Pvt) Ltd | +94-777616495 | royalnaturallk@gmail.com | |
1713 | 173119 | MRS Food Production | 0757332737 | | |
1714 | 173137 | Minacle Products | 0767687274 | minacleproducts@gmail.com | https://minacleproducts.com/ |
1715 | 173200 | Ajantha Products | 0764683039 | ajanthaproducts34@gmail.com | |
1716 | 173221 | CHANEK INDUSTRIES PVT LTD | +94 332054932 | ayubowan@chanekgroup.com | CHANEKGROUP.COM |
1717 | 173293 | HENHOUSE (PVT) LTD | 0777649544 | henhouse.lk@gmail.com | |
1718 | 174255 | EASLIV (PVT) LTD. | *94771015137 | kdaniued@gmail.com | |
1719 | 174349 | Natural prasanna products | 0742364345 | shanthathudugala@gmail.com | |
1720 | 174379 | Ceylon Handmade Products (Pvt) Ltd. | 0712963563 | supun.amarasiri@gmail.com | |
1721 | 174412 | Premier Rubber Products (Pvt) Ltd | 0342256025 | nishanthab@premierrubber.lk | |
1722 | 174427 | Apple thread company (Pvt) Ltd. | 0773911920 | thilanga.applethread@gmail.com | |
1723 | 174443 | Likamee | 0710729933 | niljawa@yahoo.com | |
1724 | 174453 | MK Group | 077-9575375 | piumikajayaweera24@gmail.com | |
1725 | 174474 | Dumindu Industries (PVT) Ltd | 0772004577 | dumindusalt76@yahoo.com | www.dumindusalt.com |
1726 | 174497 | Rashindi Food Products | 0766121456 | rashindifoodproducts@gmail.com | |
1727 | 174579 | Wickrama Rice Mill | 772329106 | nethumsankalana13@gmail.com | |
1728 | 174651 | Projects For Youth | 412239624 | projectsforyouthorg@gmail.com | |
1729 | 174921 | SARO Organics | 0777248855 | info@saroorganics.com | https://www.saroorganics.com/ |
1730 | 174945 | Bark Ornament (Pvt) Ltd. | 0718292877 | ananda@barkornament.com | |
1731 | 175211 | Recipe caters | 0711838368 | harshaneewijesinghe@gmail.com | |
1732 | 176856 | Supreme Med (Pvt.) Ltd. | 0777 - 893646 | suprememed@ymail.com | |
1733 | 177155 | Rasela | 0771368057/0774157470 | ruwanjayawickramaj@gmail.com | |
1734 | 177164 | Damsiri Products | 077-8099242 | navodtharakap@gmail.com | |
1735 | 177193 | Hamna's Global Goods | 0772706961 | ahmkaleel112@gmail.com | |
1736 | 177319 | THINU FASHION | 771674315 | | |
1737 | 177330 | S.K.GRINDING MILLS | 0764226432 | | |
1738 | 177341 | SK Rubber Industries | 0776306010 | skrubberindustriessk@gmail.com | |
1739 | 177357 | Jayanthi Timber Depot | 0725355931 | | |
1740 | 177377 | 2 DYR Rubber Products | 0770671097 | demeljanak07@gmail.com | |
1741 | 177897 | Gamini Weerakoon & Sons (Pvt) Ltd | 0772260032 | trendsettersale@yahoo.com,ruwan7418@gmail.com | www.trendsetters.lk |
1742 | 177904 | 3 PILLARS (PVT) LTD | 94 76 3123373 | info@th3pillars.com | www.th3pillars.com |
1743 | 178046 | ROYAL GREEN APPAREL | 0766269838 | famyasmy123@gmail.com | |
1744 | 178056 | Suwathra | 0716681409 | suwathraherbayu@gmail.com | |
1745 | 178247 | ILMS Baby Products | 0774907148 | sujana1987@gmail.com | |
1746 | 178257 | Stars Bombay Sweet (Pvt) Ltd | | | |
1747 | 178332 | Cordlanka Accessories (Pvt) Ltd | 0382240413 | cordlanka@yahoo.com | |
1748 | 178339 | Wonrich Dairy (Pvt) Ltd | 0776683836 | cratnayake999@gmail.com | |
1749 | 178353 | YOOSUF ENTERPRISES | 0777903830 | zzffazeel@yahoo.com | |
1750 | 178370 | EARLY WINGS CREATION & ACADEMY (PVT) LTD | 0775008416 | | |
1751 | 178386 | Champa Fishery | 0717135331 | | |
1752 | 178396 | Lanka Hospital Gauze Industries | 077-3753311 | gyan233@gmail.com | |
1753 | 178434 | Abisehk Enterprises | 0774378944 | | |
1754 | 178450 | Chaminda Enterprises | | | |
1755 | 178861 | ISARA | | | |
1756 | 178920 | Thihansa Tailors | 0765628333 | | |
1757 | 178941 | Green Cave Spices (Pvt) Ltd | 0771332043 | greencaveproducts@gmail.com | |
1758 | 178970 | Canopy Hut (Pvt) Ltd | +94722720722 | megameem@gmail.com | https://canopyhut.lk |
1759 | 179063 | Chaminda Rice Mills | 0716829703 | ck503485@gmail.com | |
1760 | 179089 | Nowmiya Fashion Shop | 0754751215 | nowmiya11@gmail.com | |
1761 | 179095 | Cafe Noshers (Pvt) Ltd | 0713408080 | cafenosherslk@gmail.com | |
1762 | 179110 | NVK Enterprise | 0751280533 | | |
1763 | 179124 | CUREA PHARMACEUTICAL | 0718060554 | curea.pha@gmail.com | |
1764 | 179197 | Virtue tape industries | 032234599 | virtuetapes@sltnet.lk | |
1765 | 179209 | Kavya Products | 0713735319 | | |
1766 | 179216 | Sabhara Product | 0779739262 | bhathiyar820@gmail.com | |
1767 | 179230 | New Trendsetters | 0772260032 | ruwan7418@gmail.com | www.trendsetters.lk |
1768 | 179244 | THE KING OF CASHEW | *940757506055 | ansafesubushan@gmail.com | |
1769 | 179321 | Berlo product pvt ltd | 0770233705 | info@berloproducts.com | |
1770 | 179330 | Super Food | 0764902215 | superfoodeco@gmail.com | |
1771 | 179577 | Rally Pckaging (Pvt)Ltd | 0777300060 | shiyam@rallypackaging.com | www.rallypackaging.com |
1772 | 179585 | Asna Fashion Academy | 0752970898 | ivanarham@gmail.com | |
1773 | 179593 | SP Products | *94778910042 | tharshanitharshini123@gmail.com | |
1774 | 179661 | VIP Eyecatchers | *94764623914 | karani.vip@gmail.com | |
1775 | 179744 | A.M.D.Foot Pair | 0774810388 | | |
1776 | 179755 | IR Products | 0750468652 | sabrina1987@gmail.com | |
1777 | 179766 | THYME | 0786704400 | thymebest2022@gmail.com | |
1778 | 179778 | Wasana Fashion | 766812753 | | |
1779 | 180380 | Dilan product | 0777184991 | nimalsomarathna340@gmail.com | |
1780 | 180413 | Eco Briss | 0768681578 | ecobrissceylon@gmail.com | |
1781 | 180490 | MINA CASHEW NUTS | *94776081250 | | |
1782 | 180595 | BARAKATH CASHEW NUTS | *94756249947 | nmrifky96@gmail.com | |
1783 | 180669 | ULAVAN FRIED RICE FLOUR | *94776683537 | nirajahkirithas358@gmail.com | |
1784 | 180744 | Yasa Isuru Metal Crusher | 0775540012 | | |
1785 | 180764 | Rathna Stores & Furniture | 077467723 | | |
1786 | 180771 | Powerfeel Products | | | |
1787 | 180782 | New Isuru Rice Mill | 0777740769 | | |
1788 | 180794 | Orbit Plastic | 0778899911 | info@orbitplastic.lk | orbitplastic.lk |
1789 | 180807 | Lak Rasa Yoghurt | 0776599217 | mudarahansaka007@gmail.com | |
1790 | 180875 | RRN Industries | 0773278099 | rasmirrn@gmail.com | |
1791 | 180894 | whitelight | 0714598597 | rasithpremoda121@gmail.com | |
1792 | 180907 | ELCOAN LANKA (PVT) LTD | +94786825313 | info@elcoanlanka.lk | https://elcoanlanka.lk/ |
1793 | 180929 | Hani Creation | 0778862946 | fathimahilma.r@gmail.com | |
1794 | 182433 | Orento Tube Ice (pvt) ltd | 0773591025 | orentotubeice@gmail.com | |
1795 | 182443 | Priyadharshani Products | 0716519088 | priyadarshaniproduct@gmail.com | |
1796 | 182462 | REX Marketing (Pvt) Ltd | 0774816616 | 0774816616ahmas@gmail.com | |
1797 | 182513 | Ceynoch Teas | 0774939218 | ceynochproducts@gmail.com | |
1798 | 182753 | Hiru Pawana Products | 0716403959 | gaminirathnapala76gmail.com | |
1799 | 182765 | M.S.Transport Service & Cement Stone Products | 0712180445 | senavirathnamahinda7@gmail.com | |
1800 | 182778 | Cronet Ceylon | 0727869166 | kavindyadilakshi9@gmail.com | |
1801 | 182808 | AGM Products | 0752183191 | agmproductskantale@gmail.com | |
1802 | 183097 | Kasun Rice Mill | 0775966433 | kasundeeptha87@gmail.com | |
1803 | 183317 | JZ Apparel (PVT) LTd | 0773444603 | jassim.jameel.2@gmail.com | |
1804 | 183516 | Savik Engineering | 0779863717 | basarathkumara19@gmail.com | |
1805 | 183591 | Rashmi Product | 0775716653 | jpsampathkumara@gmail.com | |
1806 | 183599 | Island Dairy (Pvt) Ltd | 0710844415 | islandsameera@gmail.com | |
1807 | 183608 | UVline Pvt Ltd | 0773211914 | thilinipremalal175@gmail.com | |
1808 | 183617 | Lakshman saw mill | 0773726127 | luxmanjeewananda75@gmail.com | |
1809 | 183626 | Diplo Pharma (Pvt) Ltd | 0777816662 | anushkka@diplopharm.com | |
1810 | 183635 | MRF Apparel | 0729731022 | risha.netg@gmail.com | |
1811 | 183911 | Richlan Product | | | |
1812 | 183929 | Jayasinghe Auto Engineers | 0717664246 | jayasingheautoe@yahoo.com | www.jayasingheauto.lk |
1813 | 183936 | Jayasinghe City Center | 0717664246 | jayasinghecc@gmail.com | www.jayasinghecitycenter.lk |
1814 | 183944 | Jayasinghe City Hotel | 0717664246 | jayasinghecityh@gmail.com | www.jayasinghecitycenter.lk |
1815 | 183980 | Dynexis Pvt Ltd | 0312267240 | info@dynexis.co | https://www.dynexis.co/ |
1816 | 183995 | Ruchi Products | 0770294885 | | |
1817 | 184254 | Karalasingam prawn Farm | *94775566120 | vijikaran.lk@gmail.cpom | |
1818 | 184391 | Gamage Glass & Aluminium Fabricators | 0775580561 | samanthagamage507@gmail.com | |
1819 | 184572 | ERAV Technologies | 0716578718 | ravitha@erav.lk | https://erav.lk/ |
1820 | 185239 | Worldwide Cinnamon Exporters Pvt. Ltd | | wbuddika82@gmail.com | |
1821 | 185243 | Bulan paper industries (Pvt) Ltd. | 0771177473 | bulanpaperindustries@gmail.com | |
1822 | 185248 | Aradhana Bakers | 0778662671 | maheshranganatha12345@gmail.com | |
1823 | 185279 | VISTA FOOTWEAR INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD | 0769110230 | info@vistafootwear.lk | |
1824 | 185985 | KTS & BROTHERS | 0773452710 | kaismohammed008@gmail.com | |
1825 | 186000 | MUBA AYURVEDIC (PVT) LTD | 0774910552 | ajmubarak1978@gmail.com | |
1826 | 186007 | Belummahara DC Miils Pvt Ltd | 0773539406 | pkkbmdc@gmail.com | https://belummaharadc.com/ |
1827 | 186132 | Green scape coir exports (Pvt) Ltd. | 034 2267593 | info@gscexports.lk | https://www.gscoirexports.lk/ |
1828 | 186151 | Ola food products | 0777600608 | hansamobile88@gmail.com | |
1829 | 186158 | HARISH INDUSTRIES | 0776171483 | newvsp@icloud.com | |
1830 | 186287 | sandamali fashoin | 0777598788 | | |