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Vision To supply the best live aquatic products on the globe to customers while ensuring the sustainability of aquatic resources and improving the livelihood and lifestyle of stakeholders.

Sea Shell's Listings


  • Indika siriwardhana June 22, 2023

    Well talented staff and service was excellent.

  • Dushi June 18, 2023

    Very colourful fishes. Thanks Nuwan for your hospitality

  • Chathurika Madubhashini June 17, 2023

    Very helpful and professional people. Very good service. All fish were in a very good quality and outstanding. All were unique and very good fish.

  • Kanishka Deshan June 17, 2023

    Made my first order of Sea Shell Lanka, it really Surprised me i have bought fishes from many places but i have never seen such healthy fishes, prices are reasonable when compared with others, large collections, will continue buying more fishes in future.

  • Udith June 17, 2023

    Highly Recommended, best place to buy ornamental fish in sri lanka.

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